RE: SAWSDL Spec: Terminology editorial suggestion


The problem I see with this definition is that it basically rephrases
the definition of Semantic Model instead of reusing it, which is a bit
confusing in my opinion. I'd rather refer to "Semantic Model" which is
defined afterwards.

I know some are against this approach but I can hardly see any other way
for defining semantics in this context, which won't fall into rephrasing
the Semantic Model definition.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:public-ws-semann-
>] On Behalf Of Rama Akkiraju
> Sent: 11 July 2006 12:48
> To: SAWSDL public list
> Subject: SAWSDL Spec: Terminology editorial suggestion
> Hi All,
> In the current version of SAWSDL spec, in section 1.1 'Terminology',
> definition for semantics is given as below.
> Current Definition:
> "Semantics in this context refers to the meaning of objects or
> information.
> An agent invoking a Web service concerns itself with the semantics of
> service, as well as its input and output messages."
> My recommendation is to change it to something along the following
> The primary reason for change suggestion is that the current defintion
> refers to 'meaning' which could be controversial. An ontology
describes a
> set of terms/concepts and their relationships. I don't think we need
> get
> into 'meaning' for the purposes of this SAWSDL spec.
> Change Suggestion:
> "Semantics in the scope of this specification refers to the concepts
in a
> domain model and the context around these concepts. This context is
> defined
> by the relationships these concepts hold with other concepts in the
> model."
> Regards
> Rama Akkiraju

Received on Tuesday, 11 July 2006 16:29:40 UTC