Agenda for SAWSDL telcon 2006/07/04

Agenda for SAWSDL telcon 2006/07/04. 
Dial-in information (member-only) [1]
Zakim instructions [2]


1. Call setup
 - Scribe list: JBD, JL, MK, JH, TV, NG, TP, CP, LF, 
                HL, BNS, AS, CB, JF, RA, LH, CV, EP
 - Regrets: RA, JF, TP
 - Any modifications to agenda?
   - Especially reordering of issues to be discussed
 - Any other business?

2. Approval of minutes
 - Minutes of last telcon [1]
 - Face-to-face meeting minutes [2]


3. Action Item Review
 - Action item list [1]


2006-05-23: Terry to review last call of WSDL RDF mapping
   by beginning of July
2006-05-23: EricP to review last call of WSDL RDF mapping
   by beginning of July
 - ongoing, status?

2006-06-20: Amit and Rama (and anybody interested) to suggest definition of

2006-06-20: ericP to use Amazon WSDL as a real concrete example

2006-06-20: Rama to try and come up with a better annotation for the
            subsection "Annotating operations with model references"

2006-06-20: team contacts to let the editors know about the standard
            reference style 

2006-06-27: ericP to create the comments list public-ws-semann-comments

2006-06-27: jacekk to check moving the f2f by one day later 
 - done, in next agenda point

4. Administrivia
 - Next f2f August 29,30 in Turin, Italy
   - Unless we decide to move it to 30,31; today is 8 weeks before the f2f
 - Cancelled telcons August 1, August 8
 - Other chair for July 18, July 25 (volunteers?)

5. Document status, publication
 - Publication status?
 - Examples document status?

6. Leftover from f2f minutes [1]: 
   What does modelReference on wsdl:interface mean?
 - Is the intention that we should not restrict modelReference on
   wsdl:interface to mean categorization? Need an issue?


7. Issue 23: relationship of interface annotations 
   in face of interface extension [1]


8. Issue 24: efficiency of resolving the type of model [1]


9. Issue 22: revisit section on WSDL 1.1 mapping [1]


10. Issue 12: WSDL 1.1 extensibility? [1]


Received on Monday, 3 July 2006 16:33:29 UTC