Re: extending SAWSDL for XML instance semantic models

Hi Carine,

Not quite.

Take as an example that a large community has an element for "color"  
and use sawsdl to point to its semantic model.  In this model, color  
has its full range of typical meaning.

Now I only deal with traffic lights, so my valid colors are red,  
yellow, and green, and I define a semantic model that includes that  
enumeration.  You want to do a search against a data store I created  
and a valid color for you is purple.  Of course, either my restricted  
enumeration or your target are both valid for the color semantic  
model.  However, if you search against my data store with only  
knowledge of the color semantic model (e.g., the XML tag), you will  
never match anything because your target (i.e., the value between the  
XML start and end tags) is not in my semantic model that includes my  
restricted enumeration.

So, I am looking for a way to show semantic models for values as well  
as sawsdl applied to tags in the schema definition.

Note, this is not an immediate problem when using with WSDL because  
each WSDL is an instance document.

Do you see where I'm going?


On Mar 9, 2009, at 6:26 AM, Carine Bournez wrote:

> Hi Ken,
> On Sun, Mar 08, 2009 at 06:20:48PM -0400, Ken Laskey wrote:
>> SAWSDL  provides a way to annotate the elements and attributes of an
>> XML schema but I am also interested annotating the values in an
>> instance of a schema document.  For example, section 4.1 of the  
>> Rec includes
>> <xs:simpleType name="Confirmation"
>>  sawsdl:modelReference="
>> ">
>>  ?
>> </xs:simpleType>
>> So I know what Confirmation means.  But if in the instance document I
>> have
>> <Confirmation> partial </Confirmation>
>> how do I express a semantic model for the value partial?  partial may
>> be a perfectly valid value from another vocabulary that is not
>> included in the semantic model of Confirmation.
>> In practice, there is always a lot of attention paid to codifying the
>> XML tags but in order to do an effective search, I also need to know
>> the semantics of the target criteria.
> If I understand your question correctly, you want to make sure that
> this "partial" is a valid value for this <Confirmation>?
> Nothing prevents the use of a more complete ontology in the model
> reference that describes more semantics about <Confirmation>, so  
> that you
> perform more checks on its content. SAWSDL does not preclude any
> language for annotations (though OWL is used in the examples).

Ken Laskey
MITRE Corporation, M/S H305      phone: 703-983-7934
7515 Colshire Drive                         fax:       703-983-1379
McLean VA 22102-7508

Received on Monday, 9 March 2009 11:25:29 UTC