Logistics for face-to-face meeting (May 11-13, 2010) in Redmond, WA

Please find below logistics information for the upcoming face-to-face meeting (May 11-13, 2010) hosted by Microsoft at its main campus in Redmond, WA.

WS-RA face-to-face meeting (May 11-13, 2010)

Address - Building 50 Room 1806-Okanogan, 4001 156th Avenue NE, Redmond, WA 98052. The building is close to the intersection of Hwy 520 and 156th Avenue NE. Room 1806 is located in the lobby area in the direction away from the reception. No special access card is required to enter the meeting room. Microsoft campus map is available at http://members.microsoft.com/careers/mslife/locations/images/campus_map.jpg.

Parking - Parking is available in front of the building. You may choose to park either in the open spaces or in the enclosed garage in front of building 50.

Parking validation - Please register parking each day with the reception at building 50.

Visitor identification - Please register each day with the reception at building 50.

Traveling - Nearest airport to Redmond is Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA), about 23 miles away. Ground transportation is by rental car, taxi (www.stitataxi.com<http://www.stitataxi.com>, about $60), commercial shuttle (www.shuttleexpress.com<http://www.shuttleexpress.com>, about $40), or local bus (King County Metro, http://metro.kingcounty.gov, $2.50 fare, about 40 minute bus ride to the Bellevue Transit Center).

Hotels close to Microsoft campus: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/labs/redmond/visit.aspx
Hotels in Redmond area - please see link<http://www.expedia.com/Hotels?action=hotelPackageWizard@searchHotelOnly&packageType=HOTEL_ONLY&hotelPackageWizard_hotelPackageWizardControl_hotelWidgetControl_hotelSearchRegionControl_hotelRegionTypeControl_inpRegionType=CITY&hotelPackageWizard_hotelPackageWizardControl_hotelWidgetControl_hotelSearchRegionControl_cityControl_inpCity=Redmond%2C+WA&hotelPackageWizard_hotelPackageWizardControl_hotelWidgetControl_dateRangeWidget_inpStartDate=5/11/2010&hotelPackageWizard_hotelPackageWizardControl_hotelWidgetControl_dateRangeWidget_inpEndDate=5/13/2010&hotelPackageWizard_hotelPackageWizardControl_hotelWidgetControl_roomInputWidget_hotelRoomCountInput=1&hotelPackageWizard_hotelPackageWizardControl_hotelWidgetControl_roomInputWidget_adultCountInput=2&hotelPackageWizard_hotelPackageWizardControl_hotelWidgetControl_roomInputWidget_childCountInput=0&isAdditionOptionExist=0> for a listing of hotels in Redmond area
Hotels in Bellevue:
http://www.bellevueclubhotel.com/ (probably out of most price ranges)

Received on Monday, 5 April 2010 21:54:22 UTC