Re: issue 7728: point 1 - proposal for indicating effective endpoint policy in an EPR

Hi Asir:
I suspect we are talking past one another and that we would make better 
progress on a whiteboard
but let me try once more.

Suppose there is a policy that says "This is Asir's endpoint.  No one 
else can touch it".
Where would such a policy go?  Surely, it cannot be attached to the WSDL.
Gil suggests it goes in the metadata section of the EPR.  Similarly a 
policy that says "This
EPR supports dialect foo" should go in the metadata section of the EPR.. 

A more difficult question is what do you get when you do a MEX request 
with dialect = 'policy'?
Do you get the policy in the metadata section of the EPR or do you get 
the policies attached to the WSDL
or do you get some combination.  I think you should get only the 
policies in the metadata section of the EPR
but we can discuss this.
All the best, Ashok

Asir Vedamuthu wrote:
> We think you meant that a policy expression within a wsa:Metadata element applies to m bindings and n portTypes supported by an endpoint ...
> How would a consumer use the policy expression (in an interoperable manner) without any knowledge of one of those m bindings (that usually appear in a WSDL)? Are these known out-of-band?
> Regards,
> Asir S Vedamuthu
> Microsoft Corporation
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ashok malhotra [] 
> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 1:10 PM
> To: Asir Vedamuthu
> Cc: Gilbert Pilz;;
> Subject: Re: issue 7728: point 1 - proposal for indicating effective endpoint policy in an EPR
> Hi Asir:
> These would be the policies that applied to the endpoint as a whole i.e. 
> have the endpoint as the policy subject.
> They are not specific to any binding or portType.
> All the best, Ashok
> Asir Vedamuthu wrote:
>> Then, we do not fully understand the underlying use case. Let’s step 
>> back a bit … How would a consumer use a policy expression within a 
>> wsa:Metadata element in an interoperable manner /without/ any binding 
>> descriptions (that usually appear in a WSDL)?
>> Regards,
>> Asir S Vedamuthu
>> Microsoft Corporation
>> *From:* Gilbert Pilz []
>> *Sent:* Thursday, October 29, 2009 4:14 PM
>> *To:* Asir Vedamuthu
>> *Cc:*;
>> *Subject:* Re: issue 7728: point 1 - proposal for indicating effective 
>> endpoint policy in an EPR
>> From what you described at one of the F2F's (I forget which), the 
>> policies in a MetadataSection with 
>> @Dialect="" 
>> <> have no specific attachment points or 
>> policy subjects. In the example you provided below, you can't know if 
>> the assertions in the wsp:Policy apply to the endpoint, an operation 
>> of that endpoint, or a particular message; they are just a collection 
>> of policies. If you need to know how/if the policies relate to 
>> messages, operations, or endpoints you need to consult at "other 
>> metadata" like WSDL or PolicyAttachments.
>> The purpose of Section 7.2 is to describe how to "communicate the 
>> effective policies of the endpoints referenced by those EPRs". When 
>> WS-Policy expressions appear as children of wsa:Metadata there is no 
>> uncertainty about how/where these policies apply. "The scope of a 
>> Policy in an EPR is the endpoint referenced by that EPR. The 
>> assertions within the alternatives contained by a Policy in an EPR 
>> MUST have endpoint policy subject." Whereas wsa:Metadata/mex:Metadata 
>> gives you a big blob of metadata that you (the EPR consumer) have to 
>> process (which may include further mex:GetMetadata operations) to 
>> determine the effective policies, wsa:Metadata/wsp:Policy says "this 
>> is the effective policy"; wsa:Metadata/mex:Metadata is general, 
>> wsa:Metadata/wsp:Policy is specific.
>> - gp
>> On 10/28/2009 7:12 PM, Asir Vedamuthu wrote:
>> The underlying use case is addressed by a general-purpose, existing 
>> feature [1][2] in the current WS-MetadataExchange draft. For example,
>> <wsa:EndpointReference>
>>   <wsa:Address></wsa:Address>
>>   <wsa:Metadata>
>>    <mex:Metadata>
>>     <mex:MetadataSection>
>>       Dialect=''>
>>      <wsp:Policy> ... </wsp:Policy>
>>     </mex:MetadataSection>
>>    </mex:Metadata>
>>   </wsa:Metadata>
>> </wsa:EndpointReference>
>> Adobe, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun and WSO2 interop tested [3][4] the 
>> feature in April 2007.
>> Has anyone analyzed why the existing feature does not address the 
>> underlying use case?
>> [1] 
>> [2]
>> [3] 
>> [4] 
>> Regards,
>> Asir S Vedamuthu
>> Microsoft Corporation
>> *From:* 
>> <> 
>> [] *On Behalf Of 
>> *Gilbert Pilz
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 28, 2009 4:34 PM
>> *To:* 
>> <>
>> *Cc:* <>
>> *Subject:* issue 7728: point 1 - proposal for indicating effective 
>> endpoint policy in an EPR
>> I've attached the first draft of our proposal for incorporating 
>> WS-PAEPR into WS-Mex [1] to the entry for issue 7728. This is 
>> accomplished by creating a new section, Section 7.2, that describes 
>> what it means to put a wsp:Policy or wsp:PolicyReference in a 
>> wsa:EndpointReference/wsa:Metadata element.
>> Note this addresses the WS-DD comments ([2], [3]) made on 
>> WS-MetadataExchange by Antoine Mensch.
>> [1]
>> [2] 
>> [3] 
>> <>
>> - gp

Received on Friday, 30 October 2009 21:46:24 UTC