RE: issue 6398: updated proposal - HTTP Linkage

Geoff, Chris,
Many thanks for sharing your views on this BP R2204 related issue. It is
helpful to get to the technical aspects. Our understanding is:
Geoff - wrapper is verbose and not needed in this case (except to
satisfy BP R2204).
Chris - wrapper is needed: 1. BP R2204; 2. endpoint does not specify the
content type in the return; 3. support REST uniform description
We have some idea of BP R2204 (additional technical background on BP
R2204 is welcome). It is appreciated if it could elaborate how common or
meaningful that "endpoint does not specify the content type in the
return", and how wrapper element is needed to "support REST uniform
description interface". We have some speculations and would like to hear
from you.
- Wu Chou.
Wu Chou, IEEE Fellow, Ph.D. | Director |Avaya Labs Research | AVAYA |
233 Mt. Airy Road| Rm. 2D48 | Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 | Voice/Fax:
908-696-5198 / 908-696-5401 |

Received on Friday, 20 February 2009 21:34:56 UTC