RE: [issue 6432] - a modest proposal

Hi Doug,
OK, help me out here, please.

Ø  We have two different ways of expressing how/where to send a message(s) within the same spec.
We believe there is only one specific mechanism.  Can you please articulate the two ways that the spec currently has for expressing how/where to send a message?

Ø  We're moving towards one way.
Can you please articulate the one way that you are trying to move us towards?


From: [] On Behalf Of Doug Davis
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [issue 6432] - a modest proposal

  Actually, what you describe is what we have now.  We have two different ways of
expressing how/where to send a message(s) within the same spec.  We're moving
towards one way.  And, in doing so we're moving towards having it be consistent with
all other WS-* specs.  Code reuse!  No specialized "message sending" code needed
just for WS-Eventing.  That's even better for interoperability.

STSM |  Standards Architect  |  IBM Software Group
(919) 254-6905  |  IBM 444-6905  |<>
The more I'm around some people, the more I like my dog.

Yves Lafon <<>>

04/10/2009 03:33 PM


Bob Freund <<>>


David Snelling <<>>, Gilbert Pilz <<>>, Asir Vedamuthu <<>>, Doug Davis/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS, "<>" <<>>


Re: [issue 6432] - a modest proposal

On Thu, 9 Apr 2009, Bob Freund wrote:

> Would it be too bold to suggest folks consider to move NotifyTo to be a child
> of Subscribe?
> that way, then Delivery could be used (as an xs:Any) extension point, used by
> other specifications to mean anything they want at at cost of merely setting
> a SOAP mU header on delivery to get the fault behavior.  Of course, the fault
> would change from modeNotRecognized to SOAP mU Fault, but the other stuff
> would still work.
> Is that half-way-ish approach that folks could consider?

I am wondering if the outcome of this is to allow two incompatible ways of
doing roughly the same thing in the same specification; and my question
is... what is the story for interoperability?

Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras.


Received on Friday, 10 April 2009 23:34:10 UTC