Re: issue 6432 - yet another proposal

Thanks, Chris!  That's an excellent analysis.
All the best, Ashok

Christopher B Ferris wrote:
> Jeff is correct. Opacity is not a quality of an URI. It is a 
> principle: you should not infer anything from the
> structure (or the content) of the path component of the URI. Note the 
> use of the word "should" - I'll come back to that
> later.
> For instance, just because an URI ends in .pdf does NOT mean that the 
> client/agent that uses that URI in a GET
> should expect to receive an application/pdf media type in the response 
> entity body.
> So, repeat after me, opacity is not a quality, it is a principle. One 
> URI is neither more, nor less "opaque" than another.
> Period.
> Now, what Asir may be alluding to is that the MC Anon URI is 
> constructed from a URI template:
> Here's where the opacity principle can be ignored: when the URI 
> authority provides explicit information as to how to
> interpret the structure of the URI, as the WS-Make Connection spec [1] 
> does. One can do a character for character
> match of the string
> If it matches the first 58 characters of another URI, then that 
> (other) URI is a MCanon URI.
> I refer you to the TAG finding that specifies that such practice is 
> just fine thank-you very much [2] (3nd bullet in conclusions section):
> "* Assignment authorities may publish specifications detailing the 
> structure and semantics of the URIs they assign. Other users of those 
> URIs may use such specifications to infer information about resources 
> identified by URI assigned by that authority."
> [1] 
> [2]
> Cheers,
> Christopher Ferris
> IBM Distinguished Engineer, CTO Industry Standards
> IBM Software Group, Standards Strategy
> email:
> blog:
> phone: +1 508 234 2986
> From: 	Jeff Mischkinsky <>
> To: 	Yves Lafon <>
> Cc: 	Gilbert Pilz <>, Asir Vedamuthu 
> <>, Doug Davis/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS, 
> "" <>
> Date: 	04/08/2009 03:16 PM
> Subject: 	Re: issue 6432 - yet another proposal
> Sent by:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> hi,
>   My understanding of the use of "opaque" wrt to URI's is that you  
> are not supposed to infer anything from the structure of the URI, not  
> that specific uri's don't have specific "meanings"/semantics as  
> defined in specs.
>   Otherwise it is totally meaningless to define a uri and give it  
> semantics.
> So this argument and asir's response don't make sense to me. You can  
> certainly tell that the 2 uri's in question are different and you can  
> certainly know what the semantics of using them are. So i don't see a  
> problem.
>    -jeff
> On Apr 08, 2009, at 2:34 AM, Yves Lafon wrote:
> > On Tue, 7 Apr 2009, Gilbert Pilz wrote:
> >
> >> WS-Addressing 1.0 - Core defines two "special" URIs;
> >> "" and
> >> "". Messages targeted to  
> >> either
> >> of these URIs are processed differently from messages targeted to
> >> "normal" URIs such as " . .".
> >
> > Well, they are different, but unless you know WS-Addressing, or  
> > unless you resolve  
> > and find out the relationship between this URI and the WS-Addressing  
> > spec.
> > If you resolve 
> <>. you will probably have  
> > information about the endpoint, or you may know it in advance from  
> > another document. So both URIs are opaque, unless you know their  
> > semantic.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras.
> >
> >        ~~Yves
> >
> >
> --
> Jeff Mischkinsky                                                       
> Director, Oracle Fusion Middleware                                     
>                                 +1(650)506-1975
>                 and Web Services Standards                             
>                                  500 Oracle Parkway, M/S 2OP9
> Oracle                                                                 
>  Redwood Shores, CA 94065

Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2009 20:41:33 UTC