Re: NEW ISSUE :Clarify usage of assertions with no behavioral requirements on the requeste

Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> There's a class of policy assertions which have no behavioral 
> requirements on the requester but can be still usefully processed by
> requesters which are aware
> of what assertions mean.
> For example : <oasis:Replicatable/>

Do you have a pointer to a document defining that assertion?

> An assertion like this one can be a useful source of information for 
> requesters. Providers having expected properties like
> <oasis:Replicatable/> can be chosen/searched.
> At the same time, given the fact assertions like <oasis:Replicatable/>
> have no behavioral requirements on the provider it's important to ensure
> policy-aware clients which have no knowledge of these assertions can 
> proceed
> consuming the service advertsing this assertion.

I'm not clear why you are saying that this assertion would not have a 
behavioral requirement on the provider. Doesn't the provider need to 
fulfill some constraints in order to be replicable?


Received on Monday, 9 October 2006 11:09:45 UTC