RE: Does the selected Policy alternative apply in both directions?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Ashok Malhotra
> Sent: Wednesday, Aug 30, 2006 4:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: Does the selected Policy alternative apply in both 
> directions?
> Just asking the question.
> My understanding of the processing model is that the two 
> endpoints exchange policies 
> and decide on a single common policy alternative that 
> satisfies both policies.  
> This alternative is then applied to messages flowing in both 
> directions.

This depends on the subject you are attaching the policies to. I do not
expect the policy  affecting the messages in both directions if the
policy subject is message. If it is an endpoint, however, your
formulation would be the expectation. 

> Is that right?

-- umit

> All the best, Ashok

Received on Thursday, 31 August 2006 16:01:08 UTC