Review editors drafts


By my count we have completed the following editorial actions in this 
version of the docs....did I miss anything?

Action 274- Bug 4577 - Included an example of WS-Addressing Assertions
Action 275- Bug 4552- Defined Collection in the terminology section
Action 276- Bug 4556- Editorial change to the rule for Empty
Action 278- Bug 4553- Changes to section 4.5 to clarify compatibility
Action 279- Bug 4555-Changes to clarify intersection and to disambiguate 
set intersection 
Action 280- Bug 4554 -Changes to section 4.5 to include motivation for 
policy intersection
Action 297  Bug 4544- Policy vocabulary consistency in text
Action 285 Bug 4374- Qname for wsa metadata elements

Thanks Asir, for generating the diffs.
The docs and diffs are now at :

Framework -
Framework Diff -
Attachment -
Attachment Diff -

If there are no concerns I'll send mail to the WG today.


Received on Wednesday, 30 May 2007 16:33:39 UTC