2006/ws/policy ws-policy-framework-tr20070228.xml,1.2,1.3 ws-policy-attachment-tr20070228.xml,1.2,1.3 ws-policy-primer-tr20061221.xml,1.2,1.3 ws-policy-guidelines-tr20061221.xml,1.1,1.2

Update of /sources/public/2006/ws/policy
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv26652

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Reset the baseline for diff generation ...

Index: ws-policy-attachment-tr20070228.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2006/ws/policy/ws-policy-attachment-tr20070228.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- ws-policy-attachment-tr20070228.xml	22 Mar 2007 07:11:39 -0000	1.2
+++ ws-policy-attachment-tr20070228.xml	23 Mar 2007 00:44:07 -0000	1.3
@@ -293,7 +293,8 @@
 	  All information items defined by this specification
 	  are identified by the XML namespace URI [<bibref ref="XML-NS"/>] &nsuri;. A <xspecref href="&schema;">normative XML
-	  Schema</xspecref> [<bibref ref="XMLSchemaPart1"/>, <bibref ref="XMLSchemaPart2"/>] document can be obtained by
+	  Schema</xspecref> [<bibref ref="XMLSchemaPart1"/>, <bibref ref="XMLSchemaPart2"/>] document can be 
+	  obtained indirectly by
 	dereferencing the namespace document at the WS-Policy 1.5 namespace URI.</p>
 	  In this document reference is made to the <att>wsu:Id</att>
@@ -394,64 +395,64 @@
 <example id="Table2">
 <head>Example RM Policy Expression.</head>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        xmlns:rmp="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-rx/wsrmp/200602"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;"
-        xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"
-        wsu:Id="RmPolicy" &gt;
-(02)   &lt;rmp:RMAssertion&gt;
-(03)     &lt;rmp:InactivityTimeout Milliseconds="600000" /&gt;
-(04)     &lt;rmp:BaseRetransmissionInterval Milliseconds="3000" /&gt;
-(05)     &lt;rmp:ExponentialBackoff /&gt;
-(06)     &lt;rmp:AcknowledgementInterval Milliseconds="200" /&gt;
-(07)   &lt;/rmp:RMAssertion&gt;
+        xmlns:rmp="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-rx/wsrmp/200602"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;"
+        xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"
+        wsu:Id="RmPolicy" &gt;
+(02)   &lt;rmp:RMAssertion&gt;
+(03)     &lt;rmp:InactivityTimeout Milliseconds="600000" /&gt;
+(04)     &lt;rmp:BaseRetransmissionInterval Milliseconds="3000" /&gt;
+(05)     &lt;rmp:ExponentialBackoff /&gt;
+(06)     &lt;rmp:AcknowledgementInterval Milliseconds="200" /&gt;
+(07)   &lt;/rmp:RMAssertion&gt;
 (08) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg>
 <example id="Table3">
 <head>Example X509 Security Policy Expression.</head>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;"
-        xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"
-        wsu:Id="X509EndpointPolicy" &gt;
-(02)   &lt;sp:AsymmetricBinding&gt;
-(03)     &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(04)       &lt;sp:RecipientToken&gt;
-(05)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(06)           &lt;sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy/IncludeToken/Never"&gt;
-(07)             &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(08)               &lt;sp:WssX509V3Token10 /&gt;
-(09)             &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(10)           &lt;/sp:X509Token&gt;
-(11)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(12)       &lt;/sp:RecipientToken&gt;
-(13)       &lt;sp:InitiatorToken&gt;
-(14)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(15)           &lt;sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy/IncludeToken/AlwaysToRecipient" &gt;
-(16)             &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(17)               &lt;sp:WssX509V3Token10 /&gt;
-(18)             &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(19)           &lt;/sp:X509Token&gt;
-(20)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(21)       &lt;/sp:InitiatorToken&gt;
-(22)       &lt;sp:AlgorithmSuite&gt;
-(23)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(24)           &lt;sp:Basic256Rsa15 /&gt;
-(25)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(26)       &lt;/sp:AlgorithmSuite&gt;
-(27)       &lt;sp:Layout&gt;
-(28)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(29)           &lt;sp:Lax /&gt;
-(30)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(31)       &lt;/sp:Layout&gt;
-(32)       &lt;sp:IncludeTimestamp /&gt;
-(33)       &lt;sp:OnlySignEntireHeadersAndBody /&gt;
-(34)     &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(35)   &lt;/sp:AsymmetricBinding&gt;
+        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;"
+        xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"
+        wsu:Id="X509EndpointPolicy" &gt;
+(02)   &lt;sp:AsymmetricBinding&gt;
+(03)     &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(04)       &lt;sp:RecipientToken&gt;
+(05)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(06)           &lt;sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy/IncludeToken/Never"&gt;
+(07)             &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(08)               &lt;sp:WssX509V3Token10 /&gt;
+(09)             &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(10)           &lt;/sp:X509Token&gt;
+(11)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(12)       &lt;/sp:RecipientToken&gt;
+(13)       &lt;sp:InitiatorToken&gt;
+(14)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(15)           &lt;sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy/IncludeToken/AlwaysToRecipient" &gt;
+(16)             &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(17)               &lt;sp:WssX509V3Token10 /&gt;
+(18)             &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(19)           &lt;/sp:X509Token&gt;
+(20)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(21)       &lt;/sp:InitiatorToken&gt;
+(22)       &lt;sp:AlgorithmSuite&gt;
+(23)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(24)           &lt;sp:Basic256Rsa15 /&gt;
+(25)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(26)       &lt;/sp:AlgorithmSuite&gt;
+(27)       &lt;sp:Layout&gt;
+(28)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(29)           &lt;sp:Lax /&gt;
+(30)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(31)       &lt;/sp:Layout&gt;
+(32)       &lt;sp:IncludeTimestamp /&gt;
+(33)       &lt;sp:OnlySignEntireHeadersAndBody /&gt;
+(34)     &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(35)   &lt;/sp:AsymmetricBinding&gt;
 (36) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg>
 <p>The document containing both of these policy expressions is
 	assumed to be located at
-	<code>http://www.example.com/policies</code>.  Per Section
+	<code>http://www.example.com/policies</code>.  Per Section
 	<xspecref href="&w3c-designation-framework;/#Policy_Identification">3.2
 	Policy Identification</xspecref> of &framework.title; [<bibref ref="WS-Policy"/>], the IRIs used for these <termref def="policy_expression">policy expressions</termref>
 	in the remainder of this document are
@@ -551,8 +552,8 @@
 <specref ref="Example"/>.</p>
 <p>If the <termref def="policy">policies</termref> referenced by the following XML element</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;MyElement wsp:PolicyURIs="
-   http://www.example.com/policies#RmPolicy
-   http://www.example.com/policies#X509EndpointPolicy" /&gt;</eg>
+   http://www.example.com/policies#RmPolicy
+   http://www.example.com/policies#X509EndpointPolicy" /&gt;</eg>
 <p>have been processed and <termref def="merge">merged</termref>, 
 	it would result in an <termref def="element_policy">element policy</termref> 
 	whose XML 1.0 representation is listed in <specref ref="Table4"/>:</p>
@@ -592,12 +593,12 @@
 	Policy References</xspecref> of &framework.title; [<bibref ref="WS-Policy"/>]), and the semantics for
 this are the same as for the use of the global attribute. For example,
 an alternative way of attaching the policies in the above example,
-using child elements, would be as follows: </p>
+using child elements, would be as follows: </p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;MyElement&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:PolicyReference
-     URI="http://www.example.com/policies#RmPolicy" /&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:PolicyReference
-     URI="http://www.example.com/policies#X509EndpointPolicy" /&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:PolicyReference
+     URI="http://www.example.com/policies#RmPolicy" /&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:PolicyReference
+     URI="http://www.example.com/policies#X509EndpointPolicy" /&gt;
 <div2 id="ExternalPolicyAttachment">
@@ -626,13 +627,13 @@
 to the <el>wsp:PolicyAttachment</el> element using it.</p>
 <p>The following is the pseudo-schema for the <el>wsp:PolicyAttachment</el> element:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:PolicyAttachment &hellip; &gt;
-  &lt;wsp:AppliesTo&gt;
-    &lt;x:DomainExpression/&gt; +
-  &lt;/wsp:AppliesTo&gt;
-  ( &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;&hellip;&lt;/wsp:Policy&gt; |
-    &lt;wsp:PolicyReference&gt;&hellip;&lt;/wsp:PolicyReference&gt; ) +
-  &lt;wsse:Security&gt;&hellip;&lt;/wsse:Security&gt; ?
-  &hellip;
+  &lt;wsp:AppliesTo&gt;
+    &lt;x:DomainExpression/&gt; +
+  &lt;/wsp:AppliesTo&gt;
+  ( &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;&hellip;&lt;/wsp:Policy&gt; |
+    &lt;wsp:PolicyReference&gt;&hellip;&lt;/wsp:PolicyReference&gt; ) +
+  &lt;wsse:Security&gt;&hellip;&lt;/wsse:Security&gt; ?
+  &hellip;
 <p>The following describes the attributes and elements listed in the pseudo-schema outlined above:</p>
@@ -727,13 +728,13 @@
 EndpointReference domain expression for a deployed endpoint as defined
 in Web Services Addressing [<bibref ref="WS-Addressing"/>]:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:PolicyAttachment&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:AppliesTo&gt;
-    &lt;wsa:EndpointReference&gt;
-      &lt;wsa:Address&gt;http://www.example.com/acct&lt;/wsa:Address&gt;
-    &lt;/wsa:EndpointReference&gt;
-  &lt;/wsp:AppliesTo&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:PolicyReference
-     URI="http://www.example.com/policies#RmPolicy" /&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:AppliesTo&gt;
+    &lt;wsa:EndpointReference&gt;
+      &lt;wsa:Address&gt;http://www.example.com/acct&lt;/wsa:Address&gt;
+    &lt;/wsa:EndpointReference&gt;
+  &lt;/wsp:AppliesTo&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:PolicyReference
+     URI="http://www.example.com/policies#RmPolicy" /&gt;
 <p>In this example, the <termref def="policy_expression">policy expression</termref> at
 <code>http://www.example.com/policies#RmPolicy</code> applies to all
@@ -1101,7 +1102,7 @@
 assertions should be attached to this type of element.</p>
 <p>Since <el>wsdl11:input</el>, <el>wsdl11:output</el>, and
 <el>wsdl11:fault</el> elements in a
- <el>wsdl11:portType/wsdl11:operation</el> may be used by more than
+ <el>wsdl11:portType/wsdl11:operation</el> may be used by more than
 one binding, it is <rfc2119>RECOMMENDED</rfc2119> that only policies
 containing abstract (i.e., binding independent) assertions should be
 attached to these types of elements.</p>
@@ -1123,61 +1124,61 @@
 <example id="Table5">
 <head>Example Policy Attached to WSDL.</head>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsdl11:definitions name="StockQuote"
-        targetNamespace="http://www.example.com/stock/binding"
-        xmlns:tns="http://www.example.com/stock/binding"
-        xmlns:fab="http://www.example.com/stock"
-        xmlns:rmp="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-rx/wsrmp/200602"
-        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
-        xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
-        xmlns:wsoap12="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;"
-        xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd" &gt;
-(02)   &lt;wsp:Policy wsu:Id="RmPolicy" &gt;
-(03)     &lt;rmp:RMAssertion&gt;
-(04)       &lt;rmp:InactivityTimeout Milliseconds="600000" /&gt;
-(05)       &lt;rmp:BaseRetransmissionInterval Milliseconds="3000" /&gt;
-(06)       &lt;rmp:ExponentialBackoff /&gt;
-(07)       &lt;rmp:AcknowledgementInterval Milliseconds="200" /&gt;
-(08)     &lt;/rmp:RMAssertion&gt;
-(09)   &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(10)     &lt;wsp:Policy wsu:Id="X509EndpointPolicy" &gt;
-(11)       &lt;sp:AsymmetricBinding&gt;
-(12)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-               &lt;!-- Details omitted for readability --&gt;
-(13)           &lt;sp:IncludeTimestamp /&gt;
-(14)           &lt;sp:OnlySignEntireHeadersAndBody /&gt;
-(15)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(16)       &lt;/sp:AsymmetricBinding&gt;
-(17)     &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(18)     &lt;wsp:Policy wsu:Id="SecureMessagePolicy" &gt;
-(19)       &lt;sp:SignedParts&gt;
-(20)         &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
-(21)       &lt;/sp:SignedParts&gt;
-(22)       &lt;sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
-(23)         &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
-(24)       &lt;/sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
-(25)     &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(26)     &lt;wsdl11:import namespace="http://www.example.com/stock"
-            location="http://www.example.com/stock/stock.wsdl" /&gt;
-(27)     &lt;wsdl11:binding name="StockQuoteSoapBinding" type="fab:Quote" &gt;
-(28)       &lt;wsoap12:binding style="document"
-(29)          transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" /&gt;
-(30)       &lt;wsp:PolicyReference URI="#RmPolicy" wsdl11:required="true" /&gt;
-(31)       &lt;wsp:PolicyReference URI="#X509EndpointPolicy" wsdl11:required="true" /&gt;
-(32)       &lt;wsdl11:operation name="GetLastTradePrice" &gt;
-(33)         &lt;wsoap12:operation soapAction="http://www.example.com/stock/Quote/GetLastTradePriceRequest" /&gt;
-(34)           &lt;wsdl11:input&gt;
-(35)             &lt;wsoap12:body use="literal" /&gt;
-(36)             &lt;wsp:PolicyReference URI="#SecureMessagePolicy"
-                                      wsdl11:required="true" /&gt;
-(37)           &lt;/wsdl11:input&gt;
-(38)           &lt;wsdl11:output&gt;
-(39)             &lt;wsoap12:body use="literal" /&gt;
-(40)             &lt;wsp:PolicyReference URI="#SecureMessagePolicy"
-(41)                                  wsdl11:required="true" /&gt;
-(42)           &lt;/wsdl11:output&gt;
-(43)       &lt;/wsdl11:operation&gt;
-(44)     &lt;/wsdl11:binding&gt;
+        targetNamespace="http://www.example.com/stock/binding"
+        xmlns:tns="http://www.example.com/stock/binding"
+        xmlns:fab="http://www.example.com/stock"
+        xmlns:rmp="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-rx/wsrmp/200602"
+        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
+        xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
+        xmlns:wsoap12="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;"
+        xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd" &gt;
+(02)   &lt;wsp:Policy wsu:Id="RmPolicy" &gt;
+(03)     &lt;rmp:RMAssertion&gt;
+(04)       &lt;rmp:InactivityTimeout Milliseconds="600000" /&gt;
+(05)       &lt;rmp:BaseRetransmissionInterval Milliseconds="3000" /&gt;
+(06)       &lt;rmp:ExponentialBackoff /&gt;
+(07)       &lt;rmp:AcknowledgementInterval Milliseconds="200" /&gt;
+(08)     &lt;/rmp:RMAssertion&gt;
+(09)   &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(10)     &lt;wsp:Policy wsu:Id="X509EndpointPolicy" &gt;
+(11)       &lt;sp:AsymmetricBinding&gt;
+(12)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+               &lt;!-- Details omitted for readability --&gt;
+(13)           &lt;sp:IncludeTimestamp /&gt;
+(14)           &lt;sp:OnlySignEntireHeadersAndBody /&gt;
+(15)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(16)       &lt;/sp:AsymmetricBinding&gt;
+(17)     &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(18)     &lt;wsp:Policy wsu:Id="SecureMessagePolicy" &gt;
+(19)       &lt;sp:SignedParts&gt;
+(20)         &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
+(21)       &lt;/sp:SignedParts&gt;
+(22)       &lt;sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
+(23)         &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
+(24)       &lt;/sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
+(25)     &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(26)     &lt;wsdl11:import namespace="http://www.example.com/stock"
+            location="http://www.example.com/stock/stock.wsdl" /&gt;
+(27)     &lt;wsdl11:binding name="StockQuoteSoapBinding" type="fab:Quote" &gt;
+(28)       &lt;wsoap12:binding style="document"
+(29)          transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" /&gt;
+(30)       &lt;wsp:PolicyReference URI="#RmPolicy" wsdl11:required="true" /&gt;
+(31)       &lt;wsp:PolicyReference URI="#X509EndpointPolicy" wsdl11:required="true" /&gt;
+(32)       &lt;wsdl11:operation name="GetLastTradePrice" &gt;
+(33)         &lt;wsoap12:operation soapAction="http://www.example.com/stock/Quote/GetLastTradePriceRequest" /&gt;
+(34)           &lt;wsdl11:input&gt;
+(35)             &lt;wsoap12:body use="literal" /&gt;
+(36)             &lt;wsp:PolicyReference URI="#SecureMessagePolicy"
+                                      wsdl11:required="true" /&gt;
+(37)           &lt;/wsdl11:input&gt;
+(38)           &lt;wsdl11:output&gt;
+(39)             &lt;wsoap12:body use="literal" /&gt;
+(40)             &lt;wsp:PolicyReference URI="#SecureMessagePolicy"
+(41)                                  wsdl11:required="true" /&gt;
+(42)           &lt;/wsdl11:output&gt;
+(43)       &lt;/wsdl11:operation&gt;
+(44)     &lt;/wsdl11:binding&gt;
 (45) &lt;/wsdl11:definitions&gt;</eg>
 <p>For endpoints bound to <code>StockQuoteSoapBinding</code>, the <termref def="effective_policy">effective policy</termref>
@@ -1188,16 +1189,16 @@
 <example id="Table6">
 <head>Example Message Security Policy Expression.</head>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;"
-        xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"
-        wsu:Id="SecureMessagePolicy" &gt;
-(02)   &lt;sp:SignedParts&gt;
-(03)     &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
-(04)   &lt;/sp:SignedParts&gt;
-(05)   &lt;sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
-(06)     &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
-(07)   &lt;/sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
+        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;"
+        xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"
+        wsu:Id="SecureMessagePolicy" &gt;
+(02)   &lt;sp:SignedParts&gt;
+(03)     &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
+(04)   &lt;/sp:SignedParts&gt;
+(05)   &lt;sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
+(06)     &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
+(07)   &lt;/sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
 (08) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg>
@@ -1243,32 +1244,32 @@
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsdl20:description&gt;
 (02) &hellip;
 (03)   &lt;wsp:Policy wsu:Id="common"&gt;
-(04)     &lt;mtom:OptimizedMimeSerialization wsp:Optional="true"/&gt;
-(05)     &lt;wsap:UsingAddressing /&gt;
-(06)   &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(04)     &lt;mtom:OptimizedMimeSerialization wsp:Optional="true"/&gt;
+(05)     &lt;wsap:UsingAddressing /&gt;
+(06)   &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(07)   &lt;wsp:Policy wsu:Id="secure"&gt;
-(08)     &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-(09)       &lt;sp:TransportBinding&gt;&hellip;&lt;/sp:TransportBinding&gt;
-(10)       &lt;sp:AsymmetricBinding&gt;&hellip;&lt;/sp:AsymmetricBinding &gt;
-(11)     &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-(12)   &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(07)   &lt;wsp:Policy wsu:Id="secure"&gt;
+(08)     &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+(09)       &lt;sp:TransportBinding&gt;&hellip;&lt;/sp:TransportBinding&gt;
+(10)       &lt;sp:AsymmetricBinding&gt;&hellip;&lt;/sp:AsymmetricBinding &gt;
+(11)     &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+(12)   &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(13)   &lt;wsdl20:binding name="SecureBinding"
-(14)       interface="tns:RealTimeDataInterface" &gt;
-(15)     &lt;wsp:PolicyReference URI="#secure" /&gt;
-(16)     &lt;wsdl20:operation name="GetRealQuote" &gt;&hellip;&lt;/wsdl20:operation&gt;
-(17)     &hellip;
-(18)   &lt;/wsdl20:binding&gt;
+(13)   &lt;wsdl20:binding name="SecureBinding"
+(14)       interface="tns:RealTimeDataInterface" &gt;
+(15)     &lt;wsp:PolicyReference URI="#secure" /&gt;
+(16)     &lt;wsdl20:operation name="GetRealQuote" &gt;&hellip;&lt;/wsdl20:operation&gt;
+(17)     &hellip;
+(18)   &lt;/wsdl20:binding&gt;
-(19)   &lt;wsdl20:service name="RealTimeDataService"
-(20)        interface="tns:RealTimeDataInterface" &gt;
-(21)     &lt;wsdl20:endpoint name="RealTimeDataPort" 
-(22)          binding="tns:SecureBinding"&gt;
-(23)       &lt;wsp:PolicyReference URI="#common" /&gt;
-(24)       &hellip;
-(25)     &lt;/wsdl20:endpoint&gt;
-(26)   &lt;/wsdl20:service&gt;
+(19)   &lt;wsdl20:service name="RealTimeDataService"
+(20)        interface="tns:RealTimeDataInterface" &gt;
+(21)     &lt;wsdl20:endpoint name="RealTimeDataPort" 
+(22)          binding="tns:SecureBinding"&gt;
+(23)       &lt;wsp:PolicyReference URI="#common" /&gt;
+(24)       &hellip;
+(25)     &lt;/wsdl20:endpoint&gt;
+(26)   &lt;/wsdl20:service&gt;
 (27) &hellip;
 (28) &lt;/wsdl20:description&gt;</eg>
@@ -1298,18 +1299,18 @@
 <example id="table-wsdl20-effective-policy-example">
 <head>Effective Policy for the RealTimeDataPort endpoint</head>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(02)   &lt;wsp:All&gt;
-(03)     &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(04)       &lt;mtom:OptimizedMimeSerialization wsp:Optional="true"/&gt;
-(05)       &lt;wsap:UsingAddressing /&gt;
-(06)     &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(07)     &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(08)       &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-(09)         &lt;sp:TransportBinding&gt;&hellip;&lt;/sp:TransportBinding&gt;
-(10)         &lt;sp:AsymmetricBinding&gt;&hellip;&lt;/sp:AsymmetricBinding &gt;
-(11)       &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-(12)     &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(13)   &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(02)   &lt;wsp:All&gt;
+(03)     &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(04)       &lt;mtom:OptimizedMimeSerialization wsp:Optional="true"/&gt;
+(05)       &lt;wsap:UsingAddressing /&gt;
+(06)     &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(07)     &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(08)       &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+(09)         &lt;sp:TransportBinding&gt;&hellip;&lt;/sp:TransportBinding&gt;
+(10)         &lt;sp:AsymmetricBinding&gt;&hellip;&lt;/sp:AsymmetricBinding &gt;
+(11)       &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+(12)     &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(13)   &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
 (14) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg>
@@ -2102,17 +2103,17 @@
 <el>businessService</el>, and a tModel using the entity's <el>categoryBag</el>. For
 example, associating the <termref def="policy_expression">policy expression</termref> that is identified by the
 IRI <code>http://www.example.com/myservice/policy</code> with a <el>businessService</el> is
-done as follows: </p>
+done as follows: </p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;businessService serviceKey="&hellip;" &gt;
-  &lt;name&gt;&hellip;&lt;/name&gt;
-  &lt;description&gt;&hellip;&lt;/description&gt;
-  &lt;bindingTemplates&gt;&hellip;&lt;/bindingTemplates&gt;
-  &lt;categoryBag&gt;
-    &lt;keyedReference
-       keyName="Policy Expression for example's Web services"
-       keyValue="http://www.example.com/myservice/policy"
-       tModelKey="uuid:a27078e4-fd38-320a-806f-6749e84f8005" /&gt;
-  &lt;/categoryBag&gt;
+  &lt;name&gt;&hellip;&lt;/name&gt;
+  &lt;description&gt;&hellip;&lt;/description&gt;
+  &lt;bindingTemplates&gt;&hellip;&lt;/bindingTemplates&gt;
+  &lt;categoryBag&gt;
+    &lt;keyedReference
+       keyName="Policy Expression for example's Web services"
+       keyValue="http://www.example.com/myservice/policy"
+       tModelKey="uuid:a27078e4-fd38-320a-806f-6749e84f8005" /&gt;
+  &lt;/categoryBag&gt;
 <p>The <att>tModelKey</att> of the <el>keyedReference</el>
 <rfc2119>MUST</rfc2119> match
@@ -2124,19 +2125,19 @@
 expression</termref> with a <el>bindingTemplate</el>, since bindingTemplates do not
 contain a <el>categoryBag</el> in UDDI Version 2. Therefore, the
 <el>bindingTemplate</el>'s <el>tModelInstanceInfo</el> and <el>instanceParms</el>
-<rfc2119>MUST</rfc2119> be used as follows: </p>
+<rfc2119>MUST</rfc2119> be used as follows: </p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;bindingTemplate bindingKey="&hellip;" &gt;
-  &lt;accessPoint&gt;&hellip;&lt;/accessPoint&gt;
-  &lt;tModelInstanceDetails&gt;
-    &lt;tModelInstanceInfo
-       tModelKey="uuid:a27078e4-fd38-320a-806f-6749e84f8005" &gt;
-      &lt;instanceDetails&gt;
-        &lt;instanceParms&gt;
-          http://www.example.com/myservice/policy
-        &lt;/instanceParms&gt;
-      &lt;/instanceDetails&gt;
-    &lt;/tModelInstanceInfo&gt;
-  &lt;/tModelInstanceDetails&gt;
+  &lt;accessPoint&gt;&hellip;&lt;/accessPoint&gt;
+  &lt;tModelInstanceDetails&gt;
+    &lt;tModelInstanceInfo
+       tModelKey="uuid:a27078e4-fd38-320a-806f-6749e84f8005" &gt;
+      &lt;instanceDetails&gt;
+        &lt;instanceParms&gt;
+          http://www.example.com/myservice/policy
+        &lt;/instanceParms&gt;
+      &lt;/instanceDetails&gt;
+    &lt;/tModelInstanceInfo&gt;
+  &lt;/tModelInstanceDetails&gt;
 <p>The <att>tModelKey</att> of the <el>tModelInstanceInfo</el>
@@ -2157,24 +2158,24 @@
 identified by the IRI
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;tModel tModelKey="uuid:04cfa&hellip;"&gt;
-  &lt;name&gt;&hellip;&lt;/name&gt;
-  &lt;description xml:lang="EN"&gt;
-    Policy Expression for example's Web services
-  &lt;/description&gt;
-  &lt;overviewDoc&gt;
-    &lt;description xml:lang="EN"&gt;Web Services Policy Expression&lt;/description&gt;
-    &lt;overviewURL&gt;http://www.example.com/myservice/policy&lt;/overviewURL&gt;
-  &lt;/overviewDoc&gt;
-  &lt;categoryBag&gt;
-    &lt;keyedReference
-       keyName="Reusable policy Expression"
-       keyValue="policy"
-       tModelKey="uuid:fa1d77dc-edf0-3a84-a99a-5972e434e993" /&gt;
-    &lt;keyedReference
-       keyName="Policy Expression for example's Web services"
-       keyValue="http://www.example.com/myservice/policy"
-       tModelKey="uuid:a27078e4-fd38-320a-806f-6749e84f8005" /&gt;
-  &lt;/categoryBag&gt;
+  &lt;name&gt;&hellip;&lt;/name&gt;
+  &lt;description xml:lang="EN"&gt;
+    Policy Expression for example's Web services
+  &lt;/description&gt;
+  &lt;overviewDoc&gt;
+    &lt;description xml:lang="EN"&gt;Web Services Policy Expression&lt;/description&gt;
+    &lt;overviewURL&gt;http://www.example.com/myservice/policy&lt;/overviewURL&gt;
+  &lt;/overviewDoc&gt;
+  &lt;categoryBag&gt;
+    &lt;keyedReference
+       keyName="Reusable policy Expression"
+       keyValue="policy"
+       tModelKey="uuid:fa1d77dc-edf0-3a84-a99a-5972e434e993" /&gt;
+    &lt;keyedReference
+       keyName="Policy Expression for example's Web services"
+       keyValue="http://www.example.com/myservice/policy"
+       tModelKey="uuid:a27078e4-fd38-320a-806f-6749e84f8005" /&gt;
+  &lt;/categoryBag&gt;
 <p>The first <el>keyedReference</el> specifies that the tModel represents a
 <termref def="policy_expression">policy expression</termref> &mdash; rather than only being associated with one
@@ -2216,17 +2217,17 @@
 <el>businessService</el>, and a tModel using the entity's <el>categoryBag</el>. For
 example, associating the <termref def="policy_expression">policy expression</termref> tModel with the <att>tModelKey</att>
 <code>"uuid:04cfa&hellip;"</code> from above with a <el>businessService</el> is done as
-follows: </p>
+follows: </p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;businessService serviceKey="&hellip;" &gt;
-  &lt;name&gt;&hellip;&lt;/name&gt;
-  &lt;description&gt;&hellip;&lt;/description&gt;
-  &lt;bindingTemplates&gt;&hellip;&lt;/bindingTemplates&gt;
-  &lt;categoryBag&gt;
-    &lt;keyedReference
-       keyName="Policy Expression for example's Web services"
-       keyValue="uuid:04cfa&hellip;"
-       tModelKey="uuid:a27f7d45-ec90-31f7-a655-efe91433527c" /&gt;
-  &lt;/categoryBag&gt;
+  &lt;name&gt;&hellip;&lt;/name&gt;
+  &lt;description&gt;&hellip;&lt;/description&gt;
+  &lt;bindingTemplates&gt;&hellip;&lt;/bindingTemplates&gt;
+  &lt;categoryBag&gt;
+    &lt;keyedReference
+       keyName="Policy Expression for example's Web services"
+       keyValue="uuid:04cfa&hellip;"
+       tModelKey="uuid:a27f7d45-ec90-31f7-a655-efe91433527c" /&gt;
+  &lt;/categoryBag&gt;
 <p>The <att>tModelKey</att> of the <el>keyedReference</el>
 <rfc2119>MUST</rfc2119> match
@@ -2237,17 +2238,17 @@
 expression</termref> with a <el>bindingTemplate</el>, since bindingTemplates do not
 contain a <el>categoryBag</el> in UDDI Version 2. Therefore, the
 <el>bindingTemplate</el>'s <el>tModelInstanceInfo</el> and <el>instanceParms</el>
-<rfc2119>MUST</rfc2119> be used as follows: </p>
+<rfc2119>MUST</rfc2119> be used as follows: </p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;bindingTemplate bindingKey="&hellip;" &gt;
-  &lt;accessPoint&gt;&hellip;&lt;/accessPoint&gt;
-  &lt;tModelInstanceDetails&gt;
-    &lt;tModelInstanceInfo
-       tModelKey="uuid:a27f7d45-ec90-31f7-a655-efe91433527c" &gt;
-      &lt;instanceDetails&gt;
-        &lt;instanceParms&gt;uuid:04cfa&hellip;&lt;/instanceParms&gt;
-      &lt;/instanceDetails&gt;
-    &lt;/tModelInstanceInfo&gt;
-  &lt;/tModelInstanceDetails&gt;
+  &lt;accessPoint&gt;&hellip;&lt;/accessPoint&gt;
+  &lt;tModelInstanceDetails&gt;
+    &lt;tModelInstanceInfo
+       tModelKey="uuid:a27f7d45-ec90-31f7-a655-efe91433527c" &gt;
+      &lt;instanceDetails&gt;
+        &lt;instanceParms&gt;uuid:04cfa&hellip;&lt;/instanceParms&gt;
+      &lt;/instanceDetails&gt;
+    &lt;/tModelInstanceInfo&gt;
+  &lt;/tModelInstanceDetails&gt;
 <p>The tModelKey of the <el>tModelInstanceInfo</el>
 <rfc2119>MUST</rfc2119> match the fixed <att>tModelKey</att> from the
@@ -2277,17 +2278,17 @@
 <el>bindingTemplate</el>'s <el>categoryBag</el>, analogous to the mechanism described
 for other UDDI entities. For example, the example <el>bindingTemplate</el> from
 section <specref ref="CalculatingEffectivePolicyElementPolicyUDDI"/> would be
-changed as follows: </p>
+changed as follows: </p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;bindingTemplate bindingKey="&hellip;" &gt;
-  &lt;accessPoint&gt;&hellip;&lt;/accessPoint&gt;
-  &lt;tModelInstanceDetails&gt;&hellip;&lt;/tModelInstanceDetails&gt;
-  &lt;categoryBag&gt;
-    &lt;keyedReference
-       keyName="Policy Expression for example's Web services"
-       keyValue="http://www.example.com/myservice/policy"
-       tModelKey="uddi:schemas.xmlsoap.org:remotepolicyreference:2003_03"
-    /&gt;
-  &lt;/categoryBag&gt;
+  &lt;accessPoint&gt;&hellip;&lt;/accessPoint&gt;
+  &lt;tModelInstanceDetails&gt;&hellip;&lt;/tModelInstanceDetails&gt;
+  &lt;categoryBag&gt;
+    &lt;keyedReference
+       keyName="Policy Expression for example's Web services"
+       keyValue="http://www.example.com/myservice/policy"
+       tModelKey="uddi:schemas.xmlsoap.org:remotepolicyreference:2003_03"
+    /&gt;
+  &lt;/categoryBag&gt;
 <p>Third, inquiries for reusable <termref def="policy_expression">policy expression</termref> tModels
   described in Section <specref ref="RegisteringReusablePolicyExpressions"/> and UDDI
@@ -2295,18 +2296,18 @@
 by the wildcard mechanism for keyValues in keyedReferences. For
 example, searching for all <termref def="policy_expression">policy expression</termref> tModels whose IRI starts
 with <code>http://www.example.com/</code>, the following <code>find_tModel</code> API call can
-be used: </p>
+be used: </p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;find_tModel 
         xmlns="urn:uddi-org:api_v3" &gt;
-  &lt;categoryBag&gt;
-    &lt;keyedReference
-       keyValue="http://www.example.com/"
-       tModelKey="uddi:schemas.xmlsoap.org:remotepolicyreference:2003_03"
-    /&gt;
-  &lt;/categoryBag&gt;
-  &lt;findQualifiers&gt;
-    &lt;findQualifier&gt;approximateMatch&lt;/findQualifier&gt;
-  &lt;/findQualifiers&gt;
+  &lt;categoryBag&gt;
+    &lt;keyedReference
+       keyValue="http://www.example.com/"
+       tModelKey="uddi:schemas.xmlsoap.org:remotepolicyreference:2003_03"
+    /&gt;
+  &lt;/categoryBag&gt;
+  &lt;findQualifiers&gt;
+    &lt;findQualifier&gt;approximateMatch&lt;/findQualifier&gt;
+  &lt;/findQualifiers&gt;
 <p>Fourth, all UDDI entities may be digitally signed using XML digital
 signatures [<bibref ref="XML-Signature"/>]. Publishers who want to
@@ -2332,7 +2333,7 @@
 <head>External Policy Attachment Conformance</head>
-<p>An element information item whose namespace name is "&nsuri;" and whose local part is PolicyAttachment conforms to this specification if it is valid according to the XML Schema [<bibref ref="XMLSchemaPart1"/>] for that element as defined by this specification (<loc href="&schema;.xsd">&schema;.xsd</loc>) and additionally adheres to all the constraints contained in Section <specref ref="ExternalPolicyAttachment"/> of this specification. Such a conformant element information item constitutes an external policy attachment. </p>
+<p>An element information item whose namespace name is "&nsuri;" and whose local part is PolicyAttachment conforms to this specification if it is valid according to the XML Schema [<bibref ref="XMLSchemaPart1"/>] for that element as defined by this specification (<loc href="&schema;">&schema;</loc>) and additionally adheres to all the constraints contained in Section <specref ref="ExternalPolicyAttachment"/> of this specification. Such a conformant element information item constitutes an external policy attachment. </p>
 <head>WSDL 1.1 Attachment Conformance</head>
@@ -2592,7 +2593,7 @@
 <bibl id="WSDL11BindingforSOAP12" key="WSDL 1.1 Binding for SOAP 1.2" href="http://www.w3.org/Submission/2006/SUBM-wsdl11soap12-20060405/">
 <titleref>WSDL 1.1 Binding for SOAP 1.2</titleref>,
 	D. Angelov, et al, Authors. World Wide Web Consortium, 5 April
-	2006.  Available at
+	2006.  Available at
 <bibl id="XML-Signature" key="XML-Signature" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xmldsig-core-20020212/">
@@ -2682,16 +2683,16 @@
 <div3 id="ModelStructure1">
 <head>tModel Structure</head>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;tModel tModelKey="uuid:a27078e4-fd38-320a-806f-6749e84f8005" &gt;
-  &lt;name&gt;http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/remotepolicyreference&lt;/name&gt;
-  &lt;description xml:lang="EN"&gt;Category system used for UDDI entities to point to an external
+  &lt;name&gt;http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/remotepolicyreference&lt;/name&gt;
+  &lt;description xml:lang="EN"&gt;Category system used for UDDI entities to point to an external
    Web Services Policy Attachment policy expression that describes their characteristics.
    See &attachment.title; specification for further details.&lt;/description&gt;
-  &lt;categoryBag&gt;
-    &lt;keyedReference
-       keyName="uddi-org:types:categorization"
-       keyValue="categorization"
-       tModelKey="uuid:c1acf26d-9672-4404-9d70-39b756e62ab4" /&gt;
-  &lt;/categoryBag&gt;
+  &lt;categoryBag&gt;
+    &lt;keyedReference
+       keyName="uddi-org:types:categorization"
+       keyValue="categorization"
+       tModelKey="uuid:c1acf26d-9672-4404-9d70-39b756e62ab4" /&gt;
+  &lt;/categoryBag&gt;
@@ -2747,15 +2748,15 @@
 <div3 id="ModelStructure2">
 <head>tModel Structure</head>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;tModel tModelKey="uuid:fa1d77dc-edf0-3a84-a99a-5972e434e993" &gt;
-  &lt;name&gt;http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/policytypes&lt;/name&gt;
-  &lt;description xml:lang="EN"&gt;Web Services Policy Types category system used for UDDI tModels
+  &lt;name&gt;http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/policytypes&lt;/name&gt;
+  &lt;description xml:lang="EN"&gt;Web Services Policy Types category system used for UDDI tModels
    to characterize them as Web Services Policy – based policy expressions.&lt;/description&gt;
-  &lt;categoryBag&gt;
-    &lt;keyedReference
-       keyName="uddi-org:types:categorization"
-       keyValue="categorization"
-       tModelKey="uuid:c1acf26d-9672-4404-9d70-39b756e62ab4" /&gt;
-  &lt;/categoryBag&gt;
+  &lt;categoryBag&gt;
+    &lt;keyedReference
+       keyName="uddi-org:types:categorization"
+       keyValue="categorization"
+       tModelKey="uuid:c1acf26d-9672-4404-9d70-39b756e62ab4" /&gt;
+  &lt;/categoryBag&gt;
@@ -2814,25 +2815,25 @@
 <div3 id="ModelStructure3">
 <head>tModel Structure</head>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;tModel tModelKey="uuid:a27f7d45-ec90-31f7-a655-efe91433527c" &gt;
-  &lt;name&gt;http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/localpolicyreference&lt;/name&gt;
-  &lt;description xml:lang="en"&gt;Category system used for UDDI entities to point to a
+  &lt;name&gt;http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/localpolicyreference&lt;/name&gt;
+  &lt;description xml:lang="en"&gt;Category system used for UDDI entities to point to a
    Web Services Policy policy expression tModel that describes their characteristics.
    See &attachment.title; specification for further details.&lt;/description&gt;
-  &lt;categoryBag&gt;
-    &lt;keyedReference
-       keyName="uddi-org:types:categorization"
-       keyValue="categorization"
-       tModelKey="uuid:c1acf26d-9672-4404-9d70-39b756e62aB4" /&gt;
-    &lt;keyedReference
-       keyName="uddi-org:types:checked"
-       keyValue="checked"
-       tModelKey="uuid:c1acf26d-9672-4404-9d70-39b756e62aB4" /&gt;
-      &lt;keyedReference
-       keyName="uddi-org:entityKeyValues"
-       keyValue="tModelKey"
-       tModelKey="uuid:916b87bf-0756-3919-8eae-97dfa325e5a4" /&gt;
+  &lt;categoryBag&gt;
+    &lt;keyedReference
+       keyName="uddi-org:types:categorization"
+       keyValue="categorization"
+       tModelKey="uuid:c1acf26d-9672-4404-9d70-39b756e62aB4" /&gt;
+    &lt;keyedReference
+       keyName="uddi-org:types:checked"
+       keyValue="checked"
+       tModelKey="uuid:c1acf26d-9672-4404-9d70-39b756e62aB4" /&gt;
+      &lt;keyedReference
+       keyName="uddi-org:entityKeyValues"
+       keyValue="tModelKey"
+       tModelKey="uuid:916b87bf-0756-3919-8eae-97dfa325e5a4" /&gt;
-&lt;/tModel&gt; </eg>
+&lt;/tModel&gt; </eg>
@@ -3273,6 +3274,14 @@
       <loc href="http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4306">4306</loc>.
       Editors' action <loc href="http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/wspolicyeds/actions/158">158</loc>.
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>20070222</td>
+    <td>ASV</td>
+    <td>Applied a <loc href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2007Jan/0157.html">missed item</loc> 
+      (re issue <loc href="http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4207">4207</loc>) to 
+      <specref ref="XMLNamespaces"/>.
+    </td>

Index: ws-policy-guidelines-tr20061221.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2006/ws/policy/ws-policy-guidelines-tr20061221.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- ws-policy-guidelines-tr20061221.xml	8 Jan 2007 22:55:34 -0000	1.1
+++ ws-policy-guidelines-tr20061221.xml	23 Mar 2007 00:44:07 -0000	1.2
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 <?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='xmlspec-policy.xsl'?>
 <spec w3c-doctype="wd" role="&document.role;">
-    <title>&guidelines.title;</title>
+    <title>&guideline.title;</title>
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
-        <emph>&guidelines.title;</emph> is intended to provide guidance for assertion
+        <emph>&guideline.title;</emph> is intended to provide guidance for assertion
         authors that will work with the &framework.title; [<bibref
         ref="WS-Policy"/>] and &attachment.title; [<bibref
         ref="WS-PolicyAttachment"/>] specifications to create domain
@@ -92,14 +92,13 @@
         consistent combinations of behaviors from a variety of domains.
         A policy assertion is a machine readable metadata expression that 
         identifies behaviors  required for Web services interactions.
-        <emph>&guidelines.title;</emph>
-        is a resource primarily for assertion authors and provides
+        <emph>&guideline.title;</emph>
+        is a resource primarily for Assertion Authors and provides
         guidelines on the use of &framework.title; and
         &attachment.title; specifications to create and use domain specific
         assertions to enable interoperability.
-	    <p>WS-Policy Assertions are XML expressions
-        that communicate the requirements and capabilities of a web
+	    <p>WS-Policy Assertions communicate the requirements and capabilities of a web
         service by adhering to the specification, WS-Policy Framework. To enable interoperability of web
         services different sets of WS-Policy Assertions need to be
         defined by different communities based upon domain-specific requirements of
@@ -118,7 +117,7 @@
-					<p>WS-Policy assertion authors who need to know the features
+					<p>Assertion Authors who need to know the features
           			of the language and understand the requirements for
          			 describing policy assertions.
@@ -133,7 +132,7 @@
 					<p>Providers of policy expressions who need to understand
-         			 how to use the assertions authored by policy assertion authors
+         			 how to use the assertions authored by Assertion Authors
@@ -230,8 +229,8 @@
-		<p>There are already many examples in the industry that adhere to this practice, such as <bibref ref="WS-RM-Policy"/>
-      	and <bibref ref="WS-SecurityPolicy"/>. Some common characteristics from these documents may be considered as <emph>best practices</emph> for new assertion authors:
+		<p>There are already many examples in the industry that adhere to the above practices, such as <bibref ref="WS-RM-Policy"/>
+      	and <bibref ref="WS-SecurityPolicy"/>. Some common characteristics from these documents may be considered as <emph>best practices</emph> for new Assertion Authors:
@@ -252,7 +251,7 @@
       	specification will be well informed and able to adequately specify assertions for their domain.
 		<p>It is expected that consumers of the metadata specified by
-     	the assertion authors will also benefit from understanding these
+     	the Assertion Authors will also benefit from understanding these
       	practices as it will help them utilize the assertions in the
       	context of the WS-Policy framework. A result of following the
       	best practices will be an assertion specification that describes
@@ -267,7 +266,7 @@
 		express their own domain knowledge, it is necessary to provide basic
 		functionality that all domains could exploit and then allow
 		points of extension where authors of the various WS-Policy
-		expressions for a particular domain can provide additional semantics.
+		assertions for a particular domain can provide additional semantics.
         <p>Some policy assertions specify traditional
       	requirements and capabilities that will ultimately manifest on
@@ -283,14 +282,14 @@
 				<div3 id="domain-owners">
-				<head> WS-Policy Authors</head>
-				<p> WS-Policy Domain owners or WS-Policy authors are defined
+				<head> Assertion Authors</head>
+				<p>Assertion Authors are defined
        			 by the WS-Policy Framework to be a community that chooses to
         		exploit the WS-Policy Framework by creating their own
         		specification to define a set of assertions that express the
         		capabilities and constraints of that target domain. The
         		WS-Policy Framework is based on a declarative model, meaning
-        		that it is incumbent on the WS-Policy authors to define both the semantics of 
+        		that it is incumbent on the Assertion Authors to define both the semantics of 
         		the assertions as well as the scope of their target domain in their specification. The set
         		of metadata for any particular domain will vary in the granularity of assertion
         		specification required.  It is the intent of
@@ -299,11 +298,11 @@
        			consumers and providers can utilize the framework consistently across domains.
 				<p>When using the WS-Policy Framework, any
-    	    	domain author defining new WS-Policy assertions
+    	    	Assertion Authors defining new WS-Policy assertions
     	    	must adhere to the MUST's and SHOULD's in the specification
     	    	and should review the conformance section of the specification. 
-    	   		 <p>WS-Policy Domain authors must also specify how to associate
+    	   		 <p>Assertion Authors must also specify how to associate
 				the assertions they have defined with the policy subjects
 				identified by the WS-PolicyAttachment specification.
@@ -360,16 +359,17 @@
 				<div3 id="providers">
-				<p>A provider of WS-Policy Assertions can be any web service implementation that can
-	   			specify its on-the-wire message behavior as an XML
-	   			expression that conforms to the WS-PolicyFramework and
-	   			WS-Policy Attachment specifications. The
-	   			WS-PolicyAttachment specification has defined a set of
+				<p>A provider who expresses capabilities and requirements of a Web service
+				as policies can be any web service implementation that can
+	   			specify its on-the-wire message behavior as a policy
+				expression that conforms to the Web Services Policy 1.5 - Framework [<bibref ref="WS-Policy"/>]
+				and Web Services Policy 1.5 - Attachment [<bibref ref="WS-PolicyAttachment"/>] specifications.
+				The Web Services Policy 1.5 - Attachment specification has defined a set of
 	   			subjects and an extensible mechanism for attaching policies
 	   			to web services subjects. When a web service provider
 	   			chooses to make its capabilities and constraints available,
-	   			it may also need to conform to requirements of other policy
-	   			specifications it utilizes ( i.e., WS-SecurityPolicy).
+	   			the provider may also need to conform to requirements of other policy
+	   			assertion specifications it utilizes ( i.e., WS-SecurityPolicy).
 				<p>When deploying services with policies it is useful for providers to anticipate how
            		to evolve their services capabilities over time.  If
@@ -384,10 +384,10 @@
 	<div1 id="general-guidelines">
-		<head>General Guidelines for WS-Policy Assertion Authors</head>
-		<p> As authors begin the task of inventing XML dialects to represent policy  assertions they can take
+		<head>General Guidelines for Assertion Authors</head>
+		<p> As Assertion Authors begin the task of inventing XML dialects to represent policy  assertions they can take
 		advantage of WS-Policy building on XML principles and XML Schema validation in their design. WS-Policy 
-		relies on the QName of a policy assertion being an XML element but allows authors to optionally  
+		relies on the QName of a policy assertion being an XML element but allows Assertuib Authors to optionally  
 		provide additional semantics through nesting assertions, or specifying assertion parameters.
 		This section covers several aspects of assertion design and provides some answers to the following questions:</p>
@@ -414,12 +414,12 @@
 			<div2 id="assertion-target">
 			<head>Assertions and Their Target Use</head>
-			<p>WS-Policy authors need to have some definition of what the goal is for the assertions
-			they author. WS-Policy authors should also understand the
+			<p>Assertion Authors need to have some definition of what the goal is for the assertions
+			they author. Assertion Authors should also understand the
             functionality the WS-Policy framework provides and apply the
             knowledge of framework processing when defining the set of assertions. 
-			<p>Assertions can be simple or they can be complex. WS-Policy authors may choose to specify one or two
+			<p>Assertions can be simple or they can be complex. Assertion Authors may choose to specify one or two
            	assertions or they may choose to specify many assertion
            	elements that require parameters or other nested
            	assertions. There are advantages to simplifying the set of
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@
 			attachment in multiple WSDL files or Endpoint
 			References in which the same set of policies are expected to be applied. 
-	   		<p>Best practice: WS-Policy authors should include the following
+	   		<p>Best practice: Assertion Authors should include the following
 	   		items in the dialect specification:
@@ -581,13 +581,13 @@
          		<div3 id="minimal-approach">
           			<head>Minimal approach</head>
-					<p>New policy authors are encouraged to try to not overload assertions. A single assertion indicates a single
+					<p>New Assertion Authors are encouraged to try to not overload assertions. A single assertion indicates a single
         		 	behavior. Sets of assertions can by grouped by an operator "all". This indicates that there is a relationship between
          			the assertions and they now constitute a policy alternative. 
          			<p>If grouping is utilized, choices between alternatives can be indicated by
          			an "exactly one" operator. This basic set of operators allows
-         			authors a wide range of options for expressing the possible combinations of assertions within their domain.
+         			Assertion Authors a wide range of options for expressing the possible combinations of assertions within their domain.
 					<p>It requires a good deal of effort to evaluate the
          			capabilities of a domain and capture them in a way that
@@ -596,8 +596,8 @@
          			domains is recommended to ensure that consumers and providers
          			are able to use the new domain assertions.
-					<p>New authors are encouraged to look at <bibref ref="WS-RM-Policy"/> to see an example of a
-         			relatively simple domain that has defined three assertions. Domain authors are encouraged to look at <bibref
+					<p>New Assertion Authors are encouraged to look at <bibref ref="WS-RM-Policy"/> to see an example of a
+         			relatively simple domain that has defined three assertions. Assertion Authors are encouraged to look at <bibref
          			ref="WS-SecurityPolicy"/> to see an example of a complex domain that has been decomposed into a set of policy expressions.
           			<p>How big should an assertion be? How many assertion parameters should the assertion
@@ -611,10 +611,10 @@
         		<div3 id="QName_and_XML_Information_Set_representation">
           		<head>QName and XML Information Set representation</head>
-          			<p>Web Services Policy language allows assertion authors to invent
+          			<p>Web Services Policy language allows Assertion Authors to invent
             		their own XML dialects to represent policy assertions. The policy language relies only
             		on the policy assertion XML element QName. This QName is unique and identifies the
-            		behavior represented by a policy assertion. Assertion authors have the option to
+            		behavior represented by a policy assertion. Assertion Authors have the option to
             		represent an assertion parameter as a child element (by leveraging natural XML nesting)
             		or an attribute of an assertion. The general guidelines on when to use XML elements
             		versus attributes apply.</p>
@@ -646,18 +646,18 @@
      				endpoint, or those that are required in a particular message; the
      				latter are the intended uses of the WS-Policy framework.
-					<p>As a result, the assertion authors should take into account that the following important concepts
+					<p>As a result, the Assertion Authors should take into account that the following important concepts
      				when designing assertions and documenting the semantics of the
      				assertion types. 
      				<p>Firstly, an assertion type indicates a <emph>runtime</emph> behavior.  
-     				<p>Secondly, authors need to indicate how the runtime behavior represented in the assertion type can be inferred or indicated
+     				<p>Secondly, Assertion Authors need to indicate how the runtime behavior represented in the assertion type can be inferred or indicated
      				from a message at runtime.  If there is a need for the behavior
     		 		to be represented in a persistent way or if there is a need for
      				additional data or metadata that is present in a message to be
      				persisted, it should be incorporated into the assertion design or
-     				in the message itself. In essence, the assertion authors should
+     				in the message itself. In essence, the Assertion Authors should
      				consider how to make messages self describing when utilizing
      				their assertions by specifying additional properties, headers,
      				etc. that must be present in a message as part of their assertion design.
@@ -688,7 +688,7 @@
         			will determine whether a particular set of assertions
         			correctly characterize a domain.  A new community should avoid
         			duplicating assertions that have already been defined as this
-        			will create ambiguity not clarification. New WS-Policy authors
+        			will create ambiguity not clarification. New Assertion Authors
         			should focus on creating assertions for those specific
         			constraints and capabilities that do not overlap with other
         			domains but that communicate new functionality. 
@@ -717,8 +717,7 @@
 				<div3 id="parameterized-assertions">
 					<head>Assertions with Parameters</head>
-					<p>The framework allows WS-Policy
-        			domain authors to define parameters, for example, to
+					<p>The framework allows Assertion Authors to define parameters, for example, to
         			qualify an assertion.  For some domains it will be appropriate
         			to specify these parameters instead of nesting assertion elements. 
@@ -759,7 +758,7 @@
 						<p>We will use the WS-SecurityPolicy to illustrate the use of nested assertions.
-						<p>Securing messages is a complex usage scenario. The WS-SecurityPolicy authors have defined the
+						<p>Securing messages is a complex usage scenario. The WS-SecurityPolicy Assertion Authors have defined the
         				<code>sp:TransportBinding</code> policy assertion to indicate
        					 the use of transport-level security for protecting
         				messages. Just indicating the use of transport-level security
@@ -832,7 +831,7 @@
 					parameters in its algorithm</emph>. 
-					<p>Domain authors should recognize that the framework can
+					<p>Assertion Authors should recognize that the framework can
         			yield multiple assertions of the same type. The <emph>QName</emph>
         			of the assertion is the only vehicle for the framework to
         			match a specific assertion, NOT the contents of the
@@ -861,7 +860,7 @@
             		first class role in the outcome. There is one caveat to watch out for: policy assertions
             		with deeply nested policy can greatly increase the complexity of a policy and should be
             		avoided when they are not needed.</p>
-        			<p>Best practice: If the domain
+        			<p>Best practice: If the assertion
         			authors want to delegate the processing to the framework,
         			utilizing nesting should be considered. Otherwise, domain
         			specific comparison algorithms will need to be devised and be
@@ -910,7 +909,7 @@
         			the provider can determine whether the policy alternate that
         			contains the MTOM assertion is being selected.</p>
-					<p>Assertion authors should be aware that optional behaviors,
+					<p>Assertion Authors should be aware that optional behaviors,
           			like utilizing optional support for Optimized MIME
           			Serialization require some care considering the scoping of the assertion that is applicable. </p>
@@ -936,14 +935,14 @@
 	                    	<p> The target scope of an optional assertion is an important factor for
-          					assertion authors to consider as it determines the
+          					Assertion Authors to consider as it determines the
           					<emph>granularity</emph> where the behavior is optionally
           					engaged. For example, if the assertion is targeted for an
           					endpoint policy subject, it is expected to govern all the
           					messages that are indicated by the specific endpoint when
           					optional behavior is <emph> engaged </emph>. Since the
           					behavior would be applicable to policy subject that is
-          					designated, it is important for the policy assertion authors
+          					designated, it is important for the Assertion Authors
           					to choose the appropriate level of granularity for optional
           					behaviors, to consider whether a specific message or all messages, etc.  are targeted. 
@@ -962,7 +961,7 @@
             				if a request-response interaction only specified MTOM
             				optimization for an inbound message, it would not be clear
             				whether the outbound message from the provider could also
-            				utilize the behavior. Therefore, the assertion authors are
+            				utilize the behavior. Therefore, the Assertion Authors are
             				encouraged to consider how the attachment on a message
             				policy subject on a response message should be treated
             				when optional behaviors are specified for message
@@ -972,8 +971,8 @@
             				(i.e. if the incoming message utilized the optimization,
             				the response will be returned utilizing the MTOM
             				serialization). Similarly, if engagement of a behavior is
-            				only specified for an outbound message, the policy
-            				assertion authors should consider  describing the
+            				only specified for an outbound message, the
+            				Assertion Authors should consider  describing the
             				semantics if the incoming messages also utilized the
             				behavior. This is especially important if the assertion is
             				applicable to more than one specific policy subject. One
@@ -984,7 +983,7 @@
-					<p>Best Practice: Optional assertion authors should explicitly state
+					<p>Best Practice: Optional Assertion Authors should explicitly state
           			how the behavior that is enabled by the assertion would be
           			engaged when they are designing their assertion, whether by
           			specific headers or some other means. See also <specref ref="self-describing"/>.
@@ -994,7 +993,7 @@
 			<div2 id="typing-assertions">
 				<head>Typing Assertions</head>
 				<p>Since a <emph>QName</emph> is the central mechanism for
-	  			identifying a policy assertion, assertion authors should be
+	  			identifying a policy assertion, Assertion Authors should be
 	  			aware of the possible evolution of their assertions and how
 	  			this would impact the semantics of the assertion overtime. A namespace
 	 			 associated with the assertion may be used to indicate a
@@ -1017,7 +1016,7 @@
 				<p>Thus our example encryption assertion would have a
           		subject of "message", and could only be attached to
-          		messages, where the assertion is valid. However, authors
+          		messages, where the assertion is valid. However, Assertion Authors
           		need to be aware that <emph>policy attachment subjects are
           		not limited to the subjects defined in WSDL</emph>.  The
           		external attachment model in WS-PolicyAttachment allows for
@@ -1055,7 +1054,7 @@
 				<head>Levels of Abstraction in WSDL </head>
 				<p>A behavior identified by a policy assertion applies to the
         		associated policy subject. If a policy assertion is to be used
-        		within WSDL, policy assertion authors must specify a WSDL
+        		within WSDL, Assertion Authors must specify a WSDL
         		policy subject. The policy subject is determined with respect
         		to a behavior as follows:
@@ -1078,14 +1077,14 @@
 	  					the subject is the message policy subject - similarly for output and fault message policy subjects.</p>
-				<p>WS-Policy authors that wish to utilize WSDL policy subjects need to understand how the assertions will be
+				<p>Assertion Authors that wish to utilize WSDL policy subjects need to understand how the assertions will be
 				processed in intersection and merging and the implications of
 				the processing for considering a specific attachment point and
 				policy subject. This topic is considered in detail in <bibref ref="WS-Policy-Primer"/>
 				<p>The current set of subjects as mapped to the WSDL 1.1
         		elements, can also constrain the assertion constructs. For Example, In WS-RM,
-        		the domain authors chose to support certain capabilities at
+        		the Assertion Authors chose to support certain capabilities at
         		the endpoint level. This resulted in the finer granularity of
         		the assertion to apply at the message policy subject, but the
         		assertion semantics also indicates that the if 
@@ -1098,7 +1097,7 @@
 				<p>If the capability is not really suitable and may imply
         		different semantics with respect to attachment points, the
-        		assertion authors should consider the following</p>
+        		Assertion Authors should consider the following</p>
 						<p> Decompose the semantics with several assertions </p>
@@ -1110,9 +1109,9 @@
 				<p> For a given WSDL policy subject, there may be several
         		attachment points. For example, there are three attachment
         		points for the endpoint policy subject: the port, binding and
-        		portType element. Policy assertion authors should identify the
+        		portType element. Assertion Authors should identify the
         		relevant attachment point when defining a new assertion. To
-        		determine the relevant attachment points, authors should
+        		determine the relevant attachment points, Assertion Authors should
         		consider the scope of the attachment point. For example, an
         		assertion should only be allowed in the portType element if
         		the assertion reasonably applies to any endpoint that ever
@@ -1155,7 +1154,7 @@
 	<div1 id="lifecycle">
 		<head>Lifecycle of Assertions</head>
-		<p>WS-Policy authors need to consider not just the expression of the current set of requirements but
+		<p>Assertion Authors need to consider not just the expression of the current set of requirements but
 		how they anticipate new assertions being added to the set.  There are three aspects that govern an assertions lifecycle:</p>
@@ -1166,7 +1165,7 @@
 				<p>Over time, the Policy WG or third parties can version or extend the Policy Language with new 
 				or modified constructs.  These constructs may be compatible or incompatible with previous versions.
-				<p> Policy authors should review the WS-Policy Primer <bibref ref="WS-Policy-Primer"/> 
+				<p> Assertion Authors should review the WS-Policy Primer <bibref ref="WS-Policy-Primer"/> 
 				and the specifications <bibref ref="WS-Policy"/> <bibref ref="WS-PolicyAttachment"/>
 				for details on extensibility.
@@ -1190,7 +1189,7 @@
 					<p>The <bibref ref="WS-Policy-Primer"/> illustrates how
 					providers can utilize the identification mechanism  defined in the Policy specification
         			to expose a complex policy expression as a reusable building block for
-        			other policy expressions by reference. Domain assertion
+        			other policy expressions by reference. Assertion
         			authors, especially those defining complex assertions that
         			include nesting or complex types should consider specifying or recommending
         			naming conventions in order to promote reuse. Reuse through
@@ -1232,7 +1231,7 @@
 		<div1 id="inter-policy">
 			<head>Inter-domain Policy and Composition Issues</head>
-			<p>Domain authors must be aware of the interactions between their
+			<p>Assertion Authors must be aware of the interactions between their
 			domain and other domains. For example, security assertions interact
          with other protocol assertions in a composition. Although
          modeling protocol assertions may appear to be an independent behavior,
@@ -1241,7 +1240,7 @@
          example utilization of WS-Security Policy with other
          protocols affects transport bindings and would result in nested
          policy assertions when additional protocols are composed with
-         <bibref ref="WS-Security2004"/>. Thus, domain authors should
+         <bibref ref="WS-Security2004"/>. Thus, Assertion Authors should
          be aware of the compositional semantics with other related
          domains. The protocol assertions that require composition
          with WS-Security should be particularly aware of the nesting
@@ -1406,10 +1405,10 @@
     second profile that included two security options.  The details of
     the Bindings, requires a more detailed exploration of some of the
     other features of the WS-Policy Framework. </p>
-			<p>When WS-Policy authors create sets of Policy assertions, like
+			<p>When Assertion Authors create sets of Policy assertions, like
     WS-Security Policy they need to consider expressing the semantics
     of their domain in a way that policy consumers, like Company A,
-    can utilize them.  In this case, the WS-SecurityPolicy authors
+    can utilize them.  In this case, the WS-SecurityPolicy Assertion Authors
     factored out common elements of security mechanisms and utilized a
     feature of WS-Policy called "nested" assertions.  In the case of
     an <code>sp:TransportBinding</code> assertion, just indicating the use of
@@ -1521,7 +1520,7 @@
 			<p>In some cases, companies may chose to implement their own
-  assertions.  When companies chose to become policy authors they need
+  assertions.  When companies chose to become Assertion Authors they need
   to consider not only the definition of the behavior that the
   assertion represents but they need to consider how new assertions
   will be intersected and merged with other assertions in the
@@ -1764,7 +1763,7 @@
 		<inform-div1 id="change-log">
-			<head>&guidelines.title; Change Log</head>
+			<head>&guideline.title; Change Log</head>
 			<table id="ws-policy-primer-changelog-table" border="1">
@@ -1857,6 +1856,30 @@
 						<td>Formatted examples in <specref ref="compact-full"/> and <specref ref="scenario"/>. 
+					<tr>
+						<td>20061219</td>
+						<td>TIB</td>
+						<td>Editorial revision: most parts of editorial action
+							<loc href="http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/wspolicyeds/actions/96">96</loc>.
+							Remaining editorials to be reviewed.
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>20061220</td>
+						<td>TIB</td>
+						<td>Editorial revision: completed missing parts of editorial action
+							<loc href="http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/wspolicyeds/actions/96">96</loc>
+							after editorial reviews by co-editors.
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+						<tr>
+						<td>20061226</td>
+						<td>MH</td>
+						<td>Editorial revision: reconciled terms related to "Assertion Authors"
+							<loc href="http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/wspolicyeds/actions/106">106</loc>
+							and bug http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3983
+						</td>
+					</tr>

Index: ws-policy-framework-tr20070228.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2006/ws/policy/ws-policy-framework-tr20070228.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- ws-policy-framework-tr20070228.xml	22 Mar 2007 07:11:39 -0000	1.2
+++ ws-policy-framework-tr20070228.xml	23 Mar 2007 00:44:07 -0000	1.3
@@ -129,20 +129,20 @@
                 <eg xml:space="preserve">
 (01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
+        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
 (02)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
 (03)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
-(04)        &lt;sp:SignedParts/&gt;
+(04)        &lt;sp:SignedParts/&gt;
 (05)           &lt;sp:Body/&gt;
-(06)        &lt;/sp:SignedParts/&gt;
-(07)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(06)        &lt;/sp:SignedParts/&gt;
+(07)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
 (08)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
-(09)        &lt;sp:EncryptedParts/&gt;
+(09)        &lt;sp:EncryptedParts/&gt;
 (10)           &lt;sp:Body/&gt;
-(11)        &lt;/sp:EncryptedParts/&gt;
-(12)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-(13)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+(11)        &lt;/sp:EncryptedParts/&gt;
+(12)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(13)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
 (14) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg> 
             <p>Lines (03-06) represent one
@@ -565,10 +565,10 @@
 	    the normal form of a policy expression is as follows:</p>
 	    <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:Policy &hellip; &gt;
-  &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-    ( &lt;wsp:All&gt; ( &lt;<emph>Assertion</emph> &hellip;&gt; &hellip; &lt;/<emph>Assertion</emph>&gt; )* &lt;/wsp:All&gt; )*
-  &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-&lt;/wsp:Policy&gt; </eg>
+  &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+    ( &lt;wsp:All&gt; ( &lt;<emph>Assertion</emph> &hellip;&gt; &hellip; &lt;/<emph>Assertion</emph>&gt; )* &lt;/wsp:All&gt; )*
+  &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+&lt;/wsp:Policy&gt; </eg>
 <p>The following describes the Element Information Items defined in the schema outline above:</p>
@@ -619,20 +619,20 @@
 	      <p>For example, the following is the normal form of a policy expression.</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
-(02)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
+(02)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
 (03)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
-(04)        &lt;sp:SignedParts/&gt;
+(04)        &lt;sp:SignedParts/&gt;
 (05)           &lt;sp:Body/&gt;
-(06)        &lt;/sp:SignedParts/&gt;
-(07)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(06)        &lt;/sp:SignedParts/&gt;
+(07)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
 (08)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
-(09)        &lt;sp:EncryptedParts/&gt;
+(09)        &lt;sp:EncryptedParts/&gt;
 (10)           &lt;sp:Body/&gt;
-(11)        &lt;/sp:EncryptedParts/&gt;
-(12)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-(13)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+(11)        &lt;/sp:EncryptedParts/&gt;
+(12)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(13)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
 (14) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg>
 <p>Lines (03-07) and Lines (08-11) express the two alternatives in the
@@ -647,9 +647,9 @@
 for attributes to associate an IRI is as follows:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:Policy ( Name="<emph>xs:anyURI</emph>" )?
-                ( wsu:Id="<emph>xs:ID</emph>" | xml:id="<emph>xs:ID</emph>" )?
-            &hellip; &gt;
-  &hellip;
+                ( wsu:Id="<emph>xs:ID</emph>" | xml:id="<emph>xs:ID</emph>" )?
+            &hellip; &gt;
+  &hellip;
 <p>The following describes the Attribute Information Items listed and defined in the schema outline above:</p>
@@ -688,16 +688,16 @@
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        Name="http://www.example.com/policies/P1"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
-(02)   &lt;!-- Details omitted for readability --&gt;
+        Name="http://www.example.com/policies/P1"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
+(02)   &lt;!-- Details omitted for readability --&gt;
 (03) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg>
 <p>The following example illustrates how to associate a policy expression with the IRI-reference <code>"#P1"</code>:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        wsu:Id="P1"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;"
-        xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd" &gt;
-(02)   &lt;!-- Details omitted for readability --&gt;
+        wsu:Id="P1"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;"
+        xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd" &gt;
+(02)   &lt;!-- Details omitted for readability --&gt;
 (03) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg>
 <div2 id="Compact_Policy_Expression">
@@ -733,12 +733,12 @@
     <def><p>If the actual value (See XML Schema Part 1 [<bibref ref="XMLSchemaPart1"/>]) is true, the expression of the assertion is semantically equivalent to the following:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:All&gt; &lt;<emph>Assertion</emph> &hellip;&gt; &hellip; &lt;/<emph>Assertion</emph>&gt; &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:All /&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:All&gt; &lt;<emph>Assertion</emph> &hellip;&gt; &hellip; &lt;/<emph>Assertion</emph>&gt; &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:All /&gt;
         <p>If the actual value (See XML Schema Part 1 [<bibref ref="XMLSchemaPart1"/>]) is false, the expression of the assertion is semantically equivalent to the following:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:All&gt; &lt;<emph>Assertion</emph> &hellip;&gt; &hellip; &lt;/<emph>Assertion</emph>&gt; &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:All&gt; &lt;<emph>Assertion</emph> &hellip;&gt; &hellip; &lt;/<emph>Assertion</emph>&gt; &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
 <p>Omitting this attribute is semantically equivalent to including it
@@ -750,20 +750,20 @@
 <p>For example, the following compact policy expression:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
-(02)   &lt;sp:IncludeTimestamp wsp:Optional="true" /&gt;
+        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
+(02)   &lt;sp:IncludeTimestamp wsp:Optional="true" /&gt;
 (03) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg>
 <p>is equivalent to the following normal form policy expression:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
-(02)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-(03)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
-(04)       &lt;sp:IncludeTimestamp /&gt;
-(05)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-(06)     &lt;wsp:All /&gt;
-(07)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
+(02)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+(03)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
+(04)       &lt;sp:IncludeTimestamp /&gt;
+(05)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(06)     &lt;wsp:All /&gt;
+(07)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
 (08) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg>
 <p>The <att>@wsp:Optional</att> attribute in Line (02) of the first
@@ -783,9 +783,9 @@
 outline for a <termref def="nested_policy_expression">nested policy expression</termref> is:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;<emph>Assertion</emph> &hellip;&gt;
-  &hellip;
-  ( &lt;wsp:Policy &hellip;&gt; &hellip; &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt; )?
-  &hellip;
+  &hellip;
+  ( &lt;wsp:Policy &hellip;&gt; &hellip; &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt; )?
+  &hellip;
 <p>The following describes additional processing constraints on the outline listed above:</p>
@@ -812,9 +812,9 @@
 role="infoset-property">children</emph> as in:
-(02)   &lt;Lorem&gt;
-(03)       &lt;Ipsum&gt;
-(04)           &lt;wsp:Policy&gt; 
+(02)   &lt;Lorem&gt;
+(03)       &lt;Ipsum&gt;
+(04)           &lt;wsp:Policy&gt; 
 (05)           &hellip;
 (06)           &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
 (07)       &lt;/Ipsum&gt;
@@ -840,26 +840,26 @@
 <p>For example, consider the following policy expression with 
 nested policy expressions in a compact form:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
-(02)   &lt;sp:TransportBinding&gt;
-(03)     &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(04)       &lt;sp:AlgorithmSuite&gt;
-(05)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(06)           &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-(07)             &lt;sp:Basic256Rsa15 /&gt;
-(08)             &lt;sp:TripleDesRsa15 /&gt;
-(09)           &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-(10)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(11)       &lt;/sp:AlgorithmSuite&gt;
-(12)       &lt;sp:TransportToken&gt;
-(13)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(14)           &lt;sp:HttpsToken RequireClientCertificate="false" /&gt;
-(15)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(16)       &lt;/sp:TransportToken&gt;
-           &lt;!-- Details omitted for readability --&gt;
-(17)      &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(18)    &lt;/sp:TransportBinding&gt;
+        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
+(02)   &lt;sp:TransportBinding&gt;
+(03)     &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(04)       &lt;sp:AlgorithmSuite&gt;
+(05)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(06)           &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+(07)             &lt;sp:Basic256Rsa15 /&gt;
+(08)             &lt;sp:TripleDesRsa15 /&gt;
+(09)           &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+(10)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(11)       &lt;/sp:AlgorithmSuite&gt;
+(12)       &lt;sp:TransportToken&gt;
+(13)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(14)           &lt;sp:HttpsToken RequireClientCertificate="false" /&gt;
+(15)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(16)       &lt;/sp:TransportToken&gt;
+           &lt;!-- Details omitted for readability --&gt;
+(17)      &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(18)    &lt;/sp:TransportBinding&gt;
 (19) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg>
 <p>Lines (02-18) in this policy expression contain a single transport
 binding security policy assertion; within its nested policy expression
@@ -872,44 +872,44 @@
 <p>The example above is equivalent to the following:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
-(02)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-(03)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
-(04)       &lt;sp:TransportBinding&gt;
-(05)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(06)           &lt;sp:AlgorithmSuite&gt;
-(07)             &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(08)               &lt;sp:Basic256Rsa15 /&gt;
-(09)             &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(10)           &lt;/sp:AlgorithmSuite&gt;
-(11)           &lt;sp:TransportToken&gt;
-(12)             &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(13)               &lt;sp:HttpsToken RequireClientCertificate="false" /&gt;
-(14)             &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(15)           &lt;/sp:TransportToken&gt;
-               &lt;!-- Details omitted for readability --&gt;
-(16)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(17)       &lt;/sp:TransportBinding&gt;
-(18)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-(19)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
-(20)       &lt;sp:TransportBinding&gt;
-(21)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(22)           &lt;sp:AlgorithmSuite&gt;
-(23)             &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(24)               &lt;sp:TripleDesRsa15 /&gt;
-(25)             &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(26)           &lt;/sp:AlgorithmSuite&gt;
-(27)           &lt;sp:TransportToken&gt;
-(28)             &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
-(29)               &lt;sp:HttpsToken RequireClientCertificate="false" /&gt;
-(30)             &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(31)           &lt;/sp:TransportToken&gt;
-               &lt;!-- Details omitted for readability --&gt;
-(32)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
-(33)       &lt;/sp:TransportBinding&gt;
-(34)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-(35)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
+(02)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+(03)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
+(04)       &lt;sp:TransportBinding&gt;
+(05)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(06)           &lt;sp:AlgorithmSuite&gt;
+(07)             &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(08)               &lt;sp:Basic256Rsa15 /&gt;
+(09)             &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(10)           &lt;/sp:AlgorithmSuite&gt;
+(11)           &lt;sp:TransportToken&gt;
+(12)             &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(13)               &lt;sp:HttpsToken RequireClientCertificate="false" /&gt;
+(14)             &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(15)           &lt;/sp:TransportToken&gt;
+               &lt;!-- Details omitted for readability --&gt;
+(16)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(17)       &lt;/sp:TransportBinding&gt;
+(18)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(19)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
+(20)       &lt;sp:TransportBinding&gt;
+(21)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(22)           &lt;sp:AlgorithmSuite&gt;
+(23)             &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(24)               &lt;sp:TripleDesRsa15 /&gt;
+(25)             &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(26)           &lt;/sp:AlgorithmSuite&gt;
+(27)           &lt;sp:TransportToken&gt;
+(28)             &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(29)               &lt;sp:HttpsToken RequireClientCertificate="false" /&gt;
+(30)             &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(31)           &lt;/sp:TransportToken&gt;
+               &lt;!-- Details omitted for readability --&gt;
+(32)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(33)       &lt;/sp:TransportBinding&gt;
+(34)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(35)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
 (36) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg>
 <p>In the listing above, the transport binding and its nested policy
 expression have been duplicated once for each of the nested
@@ -1073,86 +1073,86 @@
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:All&gt; <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt; &lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt; </emph>&lt;/wsp:All&gt;</eg>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-  <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt; &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;</emph>
+  <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt; &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;</emph>
 <p>is equivalent to:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-  <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt; &lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt;</emph>
+  <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt; &lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt;</emph>
 <def><p><el>wsp:All</el> and <el>wsp:ExactlyOne</el> are associative. For example,</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:All&gt;
-  <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt;</emph>
-<emph>  </emph>&lt;wsp:All&gt; <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt; </emph>&lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+  <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt;</emph>
+<emph>  </emph>&lt;wsp:All&gt; <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt; </emph>&lt;/wsp:All&gt;
 <p>is equivalent to:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:All&gt; <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt; &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt; </emph>&lt;/wsp:All&gt;</eg>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-  <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt;</emph>
-<emph>  </emph>&lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt; <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt; </emph>&lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+  <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt;</emph>
+<emph>  </emph>&lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt; <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt; </emph>&lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
 <p>is equivalent to:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-  <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt; &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;</emph>
+  <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt; &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;</emph>
 <def><p><el>wsp:All</el> and <el>wsp:ExactlyOne</el> are idempotent. For example,</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering" >&lt;wsp:All&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:All&gt; <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt; &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt; </emph>&lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:All&gt; <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt; &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt; </emph>&lt;/wsp:All&gt;
 <p>is equivalent to:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:All&gt; <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt; &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt; </emph>&lt;/wsp:All&gt;</eg>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-    <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt; &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;</emph>
-<emph>  </emph>&lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+    <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt; &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;</emph>
+<emph>  </emph>&lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
 <p>is equivalent to:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-  <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt; &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;</emph>
+  <emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt; &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;</emph>
 <def><p><el>wsp:All</el> distributes over <el>wsp:ExactlyOne</el>. For example,</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:All&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt;</emph>
-<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;</emph>
-  &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt;</emph>
+<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;</emph>
+  &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
 <p>is equivalent to:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:All&gt;
-<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt;</emph>
-  &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:All&gt;
-<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;</emph>
-  &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:All&gt;
+<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt;</emph>
+  &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:All&gt;
+<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;</emph>
+  &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
 <p>Similarly by repeatedly distributing wsp:All over wsp:ExactlyOne,</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:All&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt;</emph>
-<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;</emph>
-  &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 3 --&gt;</emph>
-<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 4 --&gt;</emph>
-  &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt;</emph>
+<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;</emph>
+  &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 3 --&gt;</emph>
+<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 4 --&gt;</emph>
+  &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
 <p>is equivalent to:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:All&gt;<emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt;&lt;!-- assertion 3 --&gt;</emph>&lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:All&gt;<emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt;&lt;!-- assertion 4 --&gt;</emph>&lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:All&gt;<emph>&lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;&lt;!-- assertion 3 --&gt;</emph>&lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:All&gt;<emph>&lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;&lt;!-- assertion 4 --&gt;</emph>&lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:All&gt;<emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt;&lt;!-- assertion 3 --&gt;</emph>&lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:All&gt;<emph>&lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt;&lt;!-- assertion 4 --&gt;</emph>&lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:All&gt;<emph>&lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;&lt;!-- assertion 3 --&gt;</emph>&lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:All&gt;<emph>&lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;&lt;!-- assertion 4 --&gt;</emph>&lt;/wsp:All&gt;
 <p>Distributing <el>wsp:All</el> over an empty <el>wsp:ExactlyOne</el> is equivalent to no alternatives. For example,</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:All&gt;
@@ -1162,23 +1162,23 @@
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:ExactlyOne /&gt;</eg>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:All&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt;</emph>
-<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;</emph>
-  &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-  &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne /&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 1 --&gt;</emph>
+<emph>    &lt;!-- assertion 2 --&gt;</emph>
+  &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+  &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne /&gt;
 <p>is equivalent to:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:ExactlyOne /&gt;</eg>
 <p>For example, given the following compact policy expression:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
-(02)   &lt;sp:RequireDerivedKeys wsp:Optional="true" /&gt;
-(03)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-(04)     &lt;sp:WssUsernameToken10 /&gt;
-(05)     &lt;sp:WssUsernameToken11 /&gt;
-(06)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
+(02)   &lt;sp:RequireDerivedKeys wsp:Optional="true" /&gt;
+(03)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+(04)     &lt;sp:WssUsernameToken10 /&gt;
+(05)     &lt;sp:WssUsernameToken11 /&gt;
+(06)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
 (07) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg>
@@ -1191,44 +1191,44 @@
 in Lines (04-05) yields:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
-(02)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-(03)     &lt;wsp:All&gt; &lt;!-- @wsp:Optional alternative with assertion --&gt;
-(04)       &lt;sp:RequireDerivedKeys /&gt;
-(05)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-(06)     &lt;wsp:All /&gt; &lt;!-- @wsp:Optional alternative without --&gt;
-(07)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-(08)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-(09)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
-(10)       &lt;sp:WssUsernameToken10 /&gt;
-(11)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-(12)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
-(13)       &lt;sp:WssUsernameToken11 /&gt;
-(14)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-(15)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
+(02)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+(03)     &lt;wsp:All&gt; &lt;!-- @wsp:Optional alternative with assertion --&gt;
+(04)       &lt;sp:RequireDerivedKeys /&gt;
+(05)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(06)     &lt;wsp:All /&gt; &lt;!-- @wsp:Optional alternative without --&gt;
+(07)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+(08)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+(09)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
+(10)       &lt;sp:WssUsernameToken10 /&gt;
+(11)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(12)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
+(13)       &lt;sp:WssUsernameToken11 /&gt;
+(14)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(15)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
 (16) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg>
 <p>Note that the assertion listed in Line (02) in the first listing expands into the two alternatives in Lines (03-06) in the second listing.</p>
 <p>Finally, noting that <el>wsp:Policy</el> is equivalent to <el>wsp:All</el>, and distributing <el>wsp:All</el> over <el>wsp:ExactlyOne</el> yields the following normal form policy expression:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
-(02)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-(03)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
-(04)       &lt;sp:RequireDerivedKeys /&gt;
-(05)       &lt;sp:WssUsernameToken10 /&gt;
-(06)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-(07)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
-(08)       &lt;sp:RequireDerivedKeys /&gt;
-(09)       &lt;sp:WssUsernameToken11 /&gt;
-(10)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-(11)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
-(12)       &lt;sp:WssUsernameToken10 /&gt;
-(13)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-(14)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
-(15)       &lt;sp:WssUsernameToken11 /&gt;
-(16)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-(17)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
+(02)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+(03)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
+(04)       &lt;sp:RequireDerivedKeys /&gt;
+(05)       &lt;sp:WssUsernameToken10 /&gt;
+(06)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(07)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
+(08)       &lt;sp:RequireDerivedKeys /&gt;
+(09)       &lt;sp:WssUsernameToken11 /&gt;
+(10)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(11)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
+(12)       &lt;sp:WssUsernameToken10 /&gt;
+(13)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(14)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
+(15)       &lt;sp:WssUsernameToken11 /&gt;
+(16)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(17)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
 (18) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg>
 <p>Note that the two alternatives listed in Lines (03-06) in the second listing are combined with the two alternatives listed in Lines (09-14) in the second listing to create four alternatives in the normalized policy, Lines (03-06), (07-10), (11-13), and (14-16).</p>
@@ -1237,9 +1237,9 @@
 <p>The <el>wsp:PolicyReference</el> element is used to reference <termref def="policy_expression">policy expressions</termref>.  The semantics of the <el>wsp:PolicyReference</el> element are determined by the context in which it is used (for an example, see <specref ref="Policy_Inclusion"/>).</p>
 <p>The schema outline for the <el>wsp:PolicyReference</el> element is as follows:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve" role="needs-numbering">&lt;wsp:PolicyReference
-    URI="<emph>xs:anyURI</emph>"
-  ( Digest="<emph>xs:base64Binary</emph>" ( DigestAlgorithm="<emph>xs:anyURI</emph>" )? )?
-    &hellip; &gt;
+    URI="<emph>xs:anyURI</emph>"
+  ( Digest="<emph>xs:base64Binary</emph>" ( DigestAlgorithm="<emph>xs:anyURI</emph>" )? )?
+    &hellip; &gt;
 <p>The following describes the Attribute and Element Information Items defined in the schema outline above:</p>
@@ -1255,7 +1255,7 @@
 For an external policy expression, there is no requirement that the IRI 
 be resolvable; retrieval mechanisms are beyond the scope of this specification. 
 After retrieval, there is no requirement to check that the retrieved policy 
-expression is associated (Section <specref ref="Policy_Identification"/>) with this IRI.  
+expression is associated (Section <specref ref="Policy_Identification"/>) with this IRI.  
 The IRI included in the retrieved policy expression, if any, <rfc2119>MAY</rfc2119> be 
 different than the IRI used to retrieve the policy expression. </p></def>
@@ -1315,27 +1315,27 @@
 <p>In the example below two policies include and extend a common policy. In the first example there is a single policy document containing two policy assertions. The expression is given an identifier but not a fully qualified location. The second and third expressions reference the first expression by URI indicating the referenced expression is within the document. </p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;"
-        xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"
-        wsu:Id="Protection" &gt;
-(02)   &lt;sp:EncryptSignature wsp:Optional="true" /&gt;
-(03)   &lt;sp:ProtectTokens wsp:Optional="true" /&gt;
+        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;"
+        xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"
+        wsu:Id="Protection" &gt;
+(02)   &lt;sp:EncryptSignature wsp:Optional="true" /&gt;
+(03)   &lt;sp:ProtectTokens wsp:Optional="true" /&gt;
 (04) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
-(02)   &lt;wsp:PolicyReference URI="#Protection" /&gt;
-(03)   &lt;sp:OnlySignEntireHeadersAndBody /&gt;
+        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
+(02)   &lt;wsp:PolicyReference URI="#Protection" /&gt;
+(03)   &lt;sp:OnlySignEntireHeadersAndBody /&gt;
 (04) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
-(02)   &lt;sp:IncludeTimestamp /&gt;
-(03)   &lt;wsp:PolicyReference URI="#Protection" /&gt;
-(04)   &lt;sp:OnlySignEntireHeadersAndBody /&gt;
+        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
+(02)   &lt;sp:IncludeTimestamp /&gt;
+(03)   &lt;wsp:PolicyReference URI="#Protection" /&gt;
+(04)   &lt;sp:OnlySignEntireHeadersAndBody /&gt;
 (05) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg>
 <p>There are times when it is desirable to "re-use" a portion of a policy expression. Generally, this can be accomplished by placing the common assertions in a separate policy expression and referencing it. </p>
@@ -1451,72 +1451,72 @@
         behavior indicated by multiple assertions of the same <termref def='policy_assertion_type'>policy assertion type</termref>.</p>
 <p>As an example of intersection, consider two input policies in normal form:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
-       &lt;!-- Policy P1 --&gt;
-(02)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-(03)     &lt;wsp:All&gt; &lt;!-- Alternative A1 --&gt;
-(04)       &lt;sp:SignedElements&gt;
-(05)         &lt;sp:XPath&gt;/S:Envelope/S:Body&lt;/sp:XPath&gt;
-(06)       &lt;/sp:SignedElements&gt;
-(07)       &lt;sp:EncryptedElements&gt;
-(08)         &lt;sp:XPath&gt;/S:Envelope/S:Body&lt;/sp:XPath&gt;
-(09)       &lt;/sp:EncryptedElements&gt;
-(10)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-(11)     &lt;wsp:All&gt; &lt;!-- Alternative A2 --&gt;
-(12)       &lt;sp:SignedParts&gt;
-(13)         &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
-(14)         &lt;sp:Header
-                Namespace="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing" /&gt;
-(15)       &lt;/sp:SignedParts&gt;
-(16)       &lt;sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
-(17)         &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
-(18)       &lt;/sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
-(19)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-(20)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
+       &lt;!-- Policy P1 --&gt;
+(02)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+(03)     &lt;wsp:All&gt; &lt;!-- Alternative A1 --&gt;
+(04)       &lt;sp:SignedElements&gt;
+(05)         &lt;sp:XPath&gt;/S:Envelope/S:Body&lt;/sp:XPath&gt;
+(06)       &lt;/sp:SignedElements&gt;
+(07)       &lt;sp:EncryptedElements&gt;
+(08)         &lt;sp:XPath&gt;/S:Envelope/S:Body&lt;/sp:XPath&gt;
+(09)       &lt;/sp:EncryptedElements&gt;
+(10)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(11)     &lt;wsp:All&gt; &lt;!-- Alternative A2 --&gt;
+(12)       &lt;sp:SignedParts&gt;
+(13)         &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
+(14)         &lt;sp:Header
+                Namespace="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing" /&gt;
+(15)       &lt;/sp:SignedParts&gt;
+(16)       &lt;sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
+(17)         &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
+(18)       &lt;/sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
+(19)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(20)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
 (21) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg>
 <p>The listing above contains two policy alternatives. The first alternative, (Lines 03-10) contains two policy assertions. One indicates which elements should be signed (Lines 04-06); its type is <el>sp:SignedElements</el> (Line 04), and its parameters include an XPath expression for the content to be signed (Line 05). The other assertion (Lines 07-09) has a similar structure: type (Line 07) and parameters (Line 08).</p>
 <p>The second alternative (Lines 11-19) also contains two assertions, each with type (Line 12 and Line 16) and parameters (Lines 13-14 and Line 17).</p>
 <p>As this example illustrates, compatibility between two policy assertions is based on assertion type and delegates parameter processing to domain-specific processing.</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
-       &lt;!-- Policy P2 --&gt;
-(02)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-(03)     &lt;wsp:All&gt; &lt;!-- Alternative A3 --&gt;
-(04)       &lt;sp:SignedParts /&gt;
-(05)       &lt;sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
-(06)         &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
-(07)       &lt;/sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
-(08)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-(09)     &lt;wsp:All&gt; &lt;!-- Alternative A4 --&gt;
-(10)       &lt;sp:SignedElements&gt;
-(11)         &lt;sp:XPath&gt;/S:Envelope/S:Body&lt;/sp:XPath&gt;
-(12)       &lt;/sp:SignedElements&gt;
-(13)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-(14)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
+       &lt;!-- Policy P2 --&gt;
+(02)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+(03)     &lt;wsp:All&gt; &lt;!-- Alternative A3 --&gt;
+(04)       &lt;sp:SignedParts /&gt;
+(05)       &lt;sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
+(06)         &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
+(07)       &lt;/sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
+(08)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(09)     &lt;wsp:All&gt; &lt;!-- Alternative A4 --&gt;
+(10)       &lt;sp:SignedElements&gt;
+(11)         &lt;sp:XPath&gt;/S:Envelope/S:Body&lt;/sp:XPath&gt;
+(12)       &lt;/sp:SignedElements&gt;
+(13)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(14)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
 (15) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg>
 <p>Because there is only one alternative (A2) in policy P1 with the same vocabulary &mdash; the assertions have the same type &mdash; as another alternative (A3) in policy P2, the intersection is a policy with a single alternative that contains all of the assertions in A2 and in A3.</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">(01) &lt;wsp:Policy
-        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
-        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
-       &lt;!-- Intersection of P1 and P2 --&gt;
-(02)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
-(03)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
-(04)       &lt;sp:SignedParts &gt;
-(05)         &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
-(06)         &lt;sp:Header
-                Namespace="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing" /&gt;
-(07)       &lt;/sp:SignedParts&gt;
-(08)       &lt;sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
-(09)         &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
-(10)       &lt;/sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
-(11)       &lt;sp:SignedParts /&gt;
-(12)       &lt;sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
-(13)         &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
-(14)       &lt;/sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
-(15)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
-(16)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+        xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"
+        xmlns:wsp="&nsuri;" &gt;
+       &lt;!-- Intersection of P1 and P2 --&gt;
+(02)   &lt;wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
+(03)     &lt;wsp:All&gt;
+(04)       &lt;sp:SignedParts &gt;
+(05)         &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
+(06)         &lt;sp:Header
+                Namespace="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing" /&gt;
+(07)       &lt;/sp:SignedParts&gt;
+(08)       &lt;sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
+(09)         &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
+(10)       &lt;/sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
+(11)       &lt;sp:SignedParts /&gt;
+(12)       &lt;sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
+(13)         &lt;sp:Body /&gt;
+(14)       &lt;/sp:EncryptedParts&gt;
+(15)     &lt;/wsp:All&gt;
+(16)   &lt;/wsp:ExactlyOne&gt;
 (17) &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</eg>
 <p>Note that there are &gt; 1 assertions of the type

Received on Friday, 23 March 2007 00:44:14 UTC