Round 4 UDDI - Interop results for webMethods


Please find attached the Interop results for webMthods for Round 4 UDDI.

The UDDI tests are run two different ways:
1) with Layer-7 as client, where webMethods was the UDDI server.
2) with HP as the UDDI server, where webMethods was the UDDI Client.

Same set of tests were run in both scenarios, just the role (server/client)
played was different for webMethods.

I have attached the results for both set of tests in the XML format.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Felix Sasaki
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 7:24 AM
To: Prasad Yendluri
Cc: Christopher B Ferris;
Subject: Re: new summary page for dashboard

Prasad Yendluri wrote:
> Chris,
> For round 4 UDDI tests, results for webMethods and HP are not 
> reflected in this.
> webMethods served as UDDI server for Layer-7 and Client for HP, for 
> the UDDI tests and passed all interop tests in those scenarios.
> We also passed all the UDDI unit tests for effective policy computation.
> Please find attached the test results for webMethods.
> Please incorporate these results in the next pass.

could you do the same as Chris did: provide the results in the XML 
format /2006/ws/policy/interop/results/round4 ?



> Thanks,
> Prasad
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* 
> [] *On Behalf Of 
> *Christopher B Ferris
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 15, 2007 3:37 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* new summary page for dashboard
> I have designed a summary page for the CR test results.
> Here's the generated HTML
> Here's the XSLT
> Here's the Ant target that needs to be added to the build.xml
>     <target name="build-dashboard-summary" depends="tstamp">
>         <delete file="dashboard-summary.html"/>
>         <xslt style="dashboard-summary.xsl" in="dashboard.xml" 
> out="dashboard-summary.html" destdir=".">
>             <param name="DSTAMP" expression="${DSTAMP}"/>
>             <param name="TSTAMP" expression="${TSTAMP}"/>
>             <param name="TODAY" expression="${TODAY}"/>
>         </xslt>
>     </target>
> Would someone please check-in the XSLT and modify the build.xml to 
> include this?
> I would also like to have the summary page added to the public home page.
> Additionally, here are the IBM results-to-date:
> Thanks,
> Christopher Ferris
> STSM, Software Group Standards Strategy
> email:
> blog:
> phone: +1 508 377 9295

Received on Friday, 16 March 2007 21:32:15 UTC