Action-238 - Foster Homes for Good Practices

>ACTION-238 - Review remaining practices and determine which sections

>they belong in, if no existing section indicate new section needed

Section numbers are from the editors draft of the Guidelines document -

G2) An assertion author should define policy assertions for behaviors that are relevant to compatibility tests, such as web service protocols that manifest on the wire.

New Section

G7) An assertion description should use the wsp:Optional attribute to indicate that the behavior indicated by the QName is optional for the associated policy subject.

Section 5.5

G8) An assertion XML outline should allow the use of the wsp:Optional attribute to indicate optional behaviors.

Section 5.5

G9) An assertion description should use the wsp:Ignorable attribute to indicate that the behavior indicated by the QName may be ignored by policy intersection.

New Section

G10) An assertion XML outline should allow for the use of the wsp:Ignorable attribute to indicate ignorable behaviors.

New Section

G11) An assertion author should represent useful (or additional) information necessary for engaging the behavior represented by a policy assertion as assertion parameters.

Section 5.4.1

G16) An assertion author should choose the most granular policy subject that the behavior (represented by a policy assertion) applies to.

Section 5.6

G17) If an assertion is allowed to be associated with multiple policy subjects then the assertion description should describe the semantics of multiple instances of the same assertion attached to multiple policy subjects at the same time.

Section 5.6

G18) An assertion author should specify a preferred attachment point for the chosen policy subject.

Section 5.6

The following good practice statements got orphaned when we dropped Section 4.6 in the previous draft:

G5) An assertion description must clearly and completely specify the semantics of a policy assertion.

Section 5.3.2

G6) An assertion description should provide an XML outline (plus an XML schema) to specify the syntax of an assertion.

Section 5.3.2

G13) If there is a nested policy expression, an assertion description should declare it and enumerate the nested policy assertions that are allowed.

Section 5.4.2

G15) An assertion description should specify a policy subject. For instance, if a policy assertion is to be used with WSDL, an assertion description should specify a WSDL policy subject - such as service, endpoint, operation and message.

Section 5.6

G19) A policy alternative can contain multiple instances of the same policy assertion. An assertion description should specify the semantics of multiple instances of a policy assertion in the same policy alternative and the semantics of parameters and nested policy (if any) when there are multiple instances of a policy assertion in the same policy alternative.

Section 5.6


Asir S Vedamuthu
Microsoft Corporation

Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2007 21:55:49 UTC