Question on who assigns actions to editors

Hi Paul and Chris,

There was some confusion on today's policy editors call about how the
editors are assigned actions that arise as a result of issue resolution.

There appear to be 2 approaches in play:
1. The WG assigns an action item to the editors after resolving an
issue.  This then shows up in the ACTIONS assigned in the WG meeting
recor.  I think shows up in the WG Ais (or does this go directly to the
editors Ais?).  
2. The WG does not assign an action item, it just resolves the issue.
It is implicit that the editors do the action.  Somebody, probabably one
of the editors (and this week it was Prasad), creates an action in the
editors AIs.

So, which approach is the WS-Policy WG doing?  

I think the first is a bit heavier weight a process as resolving an
issue takes 2 entries, though it does have the nice benefit that it is
captured in the minutes.  


Received on Wednesday, 27 September 2006 20:02:39 UTC