RE: Term definition generation works

> Hi Felix,
> Looks great!

Thank you :)

Thank you for integrating these bits. I have one follow on
> question. I am trying to understand why the attachment xml doc can't use
> '&glossary-framework;' entity to avoid duplication.

Because there are some terms in this entity which are not "cited" in the
attachment document.
To avoid the dublication, one could have a "placeholder" in the attachment
document, like:
<ednote><edtext><loc href="&frameworkdoc;#policy"/><loc
href="&frameworkdoc;#policy"/><loc href="&frameworkdoc;#policy"/><loc
href="&frameworkdoc;#policy_alternative"/> ...</edtext>
This could be used to retrieve the definitions.

What do you think?


> Regards,
> Asir S Vedamuthu
> Microsoft Corporation
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Felix Sasaki
> Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2006 12:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: Term definition generation works
> Hi all,
> I finished my action item on the generation of glossaries. Please have a
> look.
> The following is important if you want to change terms in the attachment
> document:
> For terms in the attachment document which are defined in the framework
> document, the attachment document contains copies of the definitions in
> the terminology section. For example the term "policy":
>  <p><termdef id='policy' term='policy'>A <term>policy</term> is a
> collection of <termref def='policy_alternative'>policy
> alternatives</termref>. </termdef></p>
> If you want to use an additional term from the framework doc, just add
> it
> in the terminology section. The modified extract-glist.xsl handles the
> terms in this section specifically.
> extract-glist.xsl relies on the document name "ws-policy-framework.html"
> to generate references from the attachment document to the definitions
> in
> the framework document. This name is taken from an entity frameworkdoc ,
> which I will modify before WD publication.
> I also modified xmlspec-policy.xsl , to filter out the copies of the
> definitions in the terminology section before HTML generation.
> Felix

Received on Sunday, 10 September 2006 23:13:37 UTC