Action item on diffmk tool and build update

Hi all,

My action item
"[PENDING] ACTION: W3C staff contact to automate generation of diff for
WS-Policy by deploying the diffmk tool and updating he build.xml etc.
[recorded in]"
is half done. I deployed the diffmk tool to generate diffs for the
framework and the attachment document. See:

- ws-policy-framework-tr20060731.xml a local copy of the FPWD, as input
to the diff generation process
- ws-policy-framework-diff20060731.xml the output of the diff (XML)
- ws-policy-framework-diff20060731.html (the output of the diff (HTML))

The same for the attachment document:
- ws-policy-attachment-tr20060731.xml
- ws-policy-attachment-diff20060731.xml
- ws-policy-attachment-diff20060731.html

To have this running, you need:

- diffmk.jar
- diffmk.xml
- resolver.jar
- diffspec.xsl

All files above are now in the usual directory . You just need to update the
directory to get them.

You can run the diff generation process with
java -cp "diffmk.jar;;" com.sun.xtc.diffmk.DiffMk
--doctype xmlspec --diff both --words ws-policy-framework.xml
ws-policy-framework-tr20060731.xml ws-policy-framework-diff20060731.xml
(generates ws-policy-framework-diff20060731.xml)


java -cp "diffmk.jar;;" com.sun.xtc.diffmk.DiffMk
--doctype xmlspec --diff both --words ws-policy-attachment.xml
ws-policy-attachment-tr20060731.xml ws-policy-attachment-diff20060731.xml
(generates ws-policy-attachment-diff20060731.xml)

The HTML output ws-policy-framework-diff20060731.html and
ws-policy-attachment-diff20060731.html is generated by applying
diffspec.xsl to the two generated diff files.

Soon you will get the updated build file to run this all automatically.


Received on Monday, 4 September 2006 04:42:43 UTC