Proposed Wording For AIs

My Action Items:


As promised, here is our proposed wording for these AIs:




(a) Section 4.1.1 WS-PolicyAttachment

CURRENT: Policy attached to the service policy subject applies to
behaviors or aspects of the service as a whole, irrespective of
interactions over any particular port. This includes - but is not
limited to - acting as a consumer or a provider of the service.

PROPOSED: A policy associated with a service policy subject applies to
any message exchange using any of the endpoints offered by that service.




(b) Section 4.1.2 WS-PolicyAttachment

CURRENT: An endpoint policy subject applies to behaviours associated
with an entire endpoint of the service, irrespective of any message
exchange made. This includes - but is not limited to - aspects of
communicating with or instantiating the endpoint.


PROPOSED: Policies associated with an endpoint policy subject apply to
any message exchange made using that endpoint.




(c) Section 4.1.3 WS-PolicyAttachment

CURRENT: Policies attached to an operation policy subject affect
behaviours associated with a sequence of message exchanges, as defined
by a WSDL operation. This includes - but is not limited to - initiating
the sequence and ending the sequence.


PROPOSED: Policies associated with an operation policy subject apply to
the message exchange described by that operation.




(d) Section 4.1.4 WS-PolicyAttachment

CURRENT: Policy attached to a message policy subject pertains to
behaviours associated with a particular message. This includes - but is
not limited to - sending and receiving the message. 


PROPOSED: Policies associated with a message policy subject apply to
that message (i.e. input, output or fault message).


Asir S Vedamuthu
Microsoft Corporation

Received on Thursday, 20 July 2006 02:05:00 UTC