Belated regrets telcon 8/4/3

Belated regrets, I was caught in another meeting which ran 2 hours late.


Glen Daniels wrote:

> Hi Jean-Jacques:
> I've been catching up after travelling, and didn't put one together until now, apologies for the late posting.  Here's a suggestion for topics, in no particular order:
> 1) Action <property> vs. <soapAction> (which opens up the general topic
>    of feature/property consistency vs. WSDL readability)
> 2) We discussed WS-Policy and the relationship with features last week,
>    so talking about the Context proposal and properties would be good
> 3) Usage scenarios next steps
> Other topics are also welcome via email or at the beginning of the call.
> Talk to you in a couple of hours!
> --Glen

Received on Tuesday, 8 April 2003 12:28:25 UTC