Re: attributes & WSDL (was: Re: attributes in CORBA IDL)


On 3/7/03 11:51, "Jim Webber" <> wrote:

>> 2) Declaration of static values in the WSDL.
>> I don't see a problem here as long as something like this is
>> possible (converted to OGSI terminology).
>>  <wsdl:interface name="myInterface">
>>     <wsdl:attribute name="foo"         type="xsd:string"
>>                     modifiable="false" mutability="static">
>>        "Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.
>>                                - Jules de Gautier "
>>     </wsdl:attribute>
>>  </wsdl:interface>
> Could you elaborate on this? if this really is static in its classical sense
> I have two niggling doubts.
> Firstly (and even though this is a staeful services list) what does it mean
> to have a static value for a service? Surely since a service is a service
> (and not an object) eveything is implicitly static?
> Secondly, even if I put my OGSI goggles on and see things as objects, I
> can't quite reconcile static constructs in an interface. After all if you
> look at (say) Java, then static fields/methods in an interface are not
> allowed because it doesn't make sense.

This of 'static' SD values as class or interface constants. Their value
never changes and is the same for all instances (or all endpoints
implementing that service). It is just like a static field in a java
interface. I think the problem here is a language one. I didn't like the
choice of the word static for just this reason. I would describe it as a
WSDL_Constant. The other values for mutability are constant (set by the
instance on creation), extendable (I can add more but not remove them) and
mutable (no holds barred).


Take care:

    Dr. David Snelling <>
    Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe
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Received on Thursday, 3 July 2003 10:48:02 UTC