RE: attributes & WSDL (was: Re: attributes in CORBA IDL)

> WSDL -> {SOAP, HTTP, MIME} are part of the WSDL WG's work. That's
> what part 3 of our spec contains. Part 2 currently contains black
> magic that I don't quite follow yet but which will hopefully get
> refined soon.

I hope I did not give the wrong impression. I am aware that the bindings
are part of the WSDL specification. In earlier messages in this list and
in the private discussions with David Snelling last week, I did suggest
that the way get/set happens for attributes would have to be defined in
the bindings section of the WSDL specification. So, no argument there.

The above does not suggest, though, that specific WSDL operations should
be defined in the WSDL spec, as per the OGSI proposal. Just to be clear:
by "WSDL operations" I mean <wsdl:operation name="..."> elements. That's
what I am opposing.

> Can your university join the W3C? Or alternatively your project
> or the UK e-Science organization can .. then you guys can have
> reps on all W3C working groups.

Don't know whether this is a priority for the UK e-Science program given
the amount of money required. I wouldn't think so, although I'll ask.

> The work of the working group does occur publicly as per our chater.
> I wouldn't worry too much about the telecons, but the F2F meetings
> are really what you miss most.

It sounds like you are getting together to have fun :-) (just joking)


Received on Tuesday, 1 July 2003 16:36:29 UTC