2002/ws/desc/wsdl20 wsdl20.xml,1.261,1.262 wsdl20.tex,1.46,1.47

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv23904/wsdl20

Modified Files:
	wsdl20.xml wsdl20.tex 
Log Message:
Added  integrity constraints to the Z notation.

Index: wsdl20.tex
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20.tex,v
retrieving revision 1.46
retrieving revision 1.47
diff -C2 -d -r1.46 -r1.47
*** wsdl20.tex	18 May 2005 18:45:41 -0000	1.46
--- wsdl20.tex	18 May 2005 21:30:51 -0000	1.47
*** 846,850 ****
     bindingIds = \{~x : bindingComps  @ x.id~\} \\
     bindingFaultIds = \{~x : bindingFaultComps  @ x.id~\} \\
     bindingOpIds = \{~x : bindingOpComps  @ x.id~\} \\
     bindingMessageRefIds = \{~x : bindingMessageRefComps  @ x.id~\} \\
--- 846,849 ----
*** 3686,3690 ****
! 	  	\where 
  	  	\forall  InterfaceFaultReference | \theta InterfaceFaultReference \in  interfaceFaultRefComps @ \\
  	  	\t1 	NestedBaseRI \land  \\
--- 3685,3689 ----
! 	  \where 
  	  	\forall  InterfaceFaultReference | \theta InterfaceFaultReference \in  interfaceFaultRefComps @ \\
  	  	\t1 	NestedBaseRI \land  \\
*** 3701,3704 ****
--- 3700,3744 ----
+ 	  \hypertarget{zed-InterfaceFaultReferenceOK}{}
+ 	  	An Interface Fault Reference component MUST refer to an
+ 	  	Interface Fault component that is available in the associated
+ 	  	Interface component. An Interface Fault component is available
+ 	  	if it is contained in the Interface component or it is
+ 	  	available in an Interface component that this Interface
+ 	  	component extends.
+ 	  Let $InterfaceFaultReferenceOK$ express this constraint on the Interface Fault Reference component:
+ 	  \begin{schema}{InterfaceFaultReferenceOK}
+ 	  	ComponentModel2
+ 	  \where 
+ 	  	\forall  ifr: interfaceFaultRefComps; \\
+ 	  	\t1 	io : interfaceOpComps; \\
+ 	  	\t1 	i : interfaceComps | \\
+ 	  	\t1 	ifr.parent = io.id \land  \\
+ 	  	\t1 	io.parent = i.id @ \\
+ 	  	\t1 	ifr.interfaceFault \in  i.allInterfaceFaults
+ 	  \end{schema}
+ 	  \begin{quote}\begin{small}See\begin{itshape} \hyperlink{zed-ComponentModel2}{ComponentModel2}.\end{itshape}\end{small}\end{quote}
+ 	  \begin{itemize}
+ 	  	\item 
+ 	  			Every Interface Fault Reference component MUST refer
+ 	  			to an Interface Fault component that is available in
+ 	  			the Interface component that contains the Interface
+ 	  			Operation component that contains the Interface
+ 	  			Reference Component.
+ 	  \end{itemize}
*** 4997,5003 ****
--- 5037,5051 ----
  	  		bindingFaults : \power  ID \\
  	  		bindingOperations : \power  ID
+ 	  	\where 
+ 	  		interface = \emptyset  \implies  \\
+ 	  		\t1 	bindingFaults = \emptyset  \land  \\
+ 	  		\t1 	bindingOperations = \emptyset 
  	  \begin{quote}\begin{small}See\begin{itshape} \hyperlink{zed-Base}{Base}, \hyperlink{zed-QName}{QName}, \hyperlink{zed-OPTIONAL}{OPTIONAL}, \hyperlink{zed-ID}{ID}, \hyperlink{zed-AbsoluteURI}{AbsoluteURI}.\end{itshape}\end{small}\end{quote}
+ 	  \begin{itemize}
+ 	  \item If no Interface component is specified then there MUST NOT be any faults or operations defined.
+ 	  \end{itemize}
*** 5695,5698 ****
--- 5743,5786 ----
+ 	  \hypertarget{zed-BindingOperationOK}{}
+ 	  	A Binding Operation component MUST refer to an Interface
+ 	  	Operation component that is available in the Interface
+ 	  	component associated with the Binding component. An Interface
+ 	  	Operation component is available if it is contained in the
+ 	  	Interface component or is available in an extended Interface
+ 	  	component.
+ 	  Let $BindingOperationOK$ express this contraint on Binding Operation components:
+ 	  \begin{schema}{BindingOperationOK}
+ 	  	ComponentModel2
+ 	  \where 
+ 	  	\forall  bo : bindingOpComps; \\
+ 	  	\t1 	b : bindingComps; \\
+ 	  	\t1 	i : interfaceComps | \\
+ 	  	\t1 	bo.parent = b.id \land  \\
+ 	  	\t1 	b.interface = \{i.id\} @ \\
+ 	  	\t1 	bo.interfaceOperation \in  i.allInterfaceOperations
+ 	  \end{schema}
+ 	  \begin{quote}\begin{small}See\begin{itshape} \hyperlink{zed-ComponentModel2}{ComponentModel2}.\end{itshape}\end{small}\end{quote}
+ 	  \begin{itemize}
+ 	  	\item 
+ 	  			Each Binding Operation component MUST refer to an
+ 	  			Interface Operation component that is available in the
+ 	  			Interface component that is associated with its parent
+ 	  			Binding component.
+ 	  \end{itemize}
         For each Binding Operation component in the \{binding operations\}

Index: wsdl20.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.261
retrieving revision 1.262
diff -C2 -d -r1.261 -r1.262
*** wsdl20.xml	18 May 2005 18:45:41 -0000	1.261
--- wsdl20.xml	18 May 2005 21:30:51 -0000	1.262
*** 3640,3644 ****
  	  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="InterfaceFaultReferenceRI">
! 	  	<where/>
  	  	<forall/> InterfaceFaultReference | <theta/>InterfaceFaultReference <in/> interfaceFaultRefComps @ <nl/>
  	  	<t1/>	NestedBaseRI <land/> <nl/>
--- 3640,3644 ----
  	  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="InterfaceFaultReferenceRI">
! 	  <where/>
  	  	<forall/> InterfaceFaultReference | <theta/>InterfaceFaultReference <in/> interfaceFaultRefComps @ <nl/>
  	  	<t1/>	NestedBaseRI <land/> <nl/>
*** 3655,3658 ****
--- 3655,3698 ----
+ 	  <z:notation name="InterfaceFaultReferenceOK">
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	An Interface Fault Reference component MUST refer to an
+ 	  	Interface Fault component that is available in the associated
+ 	  	Interface component. An Interface Fault component is available
+ 	  	if it is contained in the Interface component or it is
+ 	  	available in an Interface component that this Interface
+ 	  	component extends.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>Let <z:i>InterfaceFaultReferenceOK</z:i> express this constraint on the Interface Fault Reference component:</p>
+ 	  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="InterfaceFaultReferenceOK">
+ 	  	ComponentModel2
+ 	  <where/>
+ 	  	<forall/> ifr: interfaceFaultRefComps; <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	io : interfaceOpComps; <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	i : interfaceComps | <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	ifr.parent = io.id <land/> <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	io.parent = i.id @ <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	ifr.interfaceFault <in/> i.allInterfaceFaults
+ 	  </schema>
+ 	  <z:see names="ComponentModel2" />
+ 	  <ulist>
+ 	  	<item>
+ 	  		<p>
+ 	  			Every Interface Fault Reference component MUST refer
+ 	  			to an Interface Fault component that is available in
+ 	  			the Interface component that contains the Interface
+ 	  			Operation component that contains the Interface
+ 	  			Reference Component.
+ 	  		</p>
+ 	  	</item>
+ 	  </ulist>
+ 	  </z:notation>
*** 4923,4929 ****
--- 4963,4977 ----
  	  		bindingFaults : <power/> ID <nl/>
  	  		bindingOperations : <power/> ID
+ 	  	<where/>
+ 	  		interface = <emptyset/> <implies/> <nl/>
+ 	  		<t1/>	bindingFaults = <emptyset/> <land/> <nl/>
+ 	  		<t1/>	bindingOperations = <emptyset/>
  	  <z:see names="Base QName OPTIONAL ID AbsoluteURI"/>
+ 	  <ulist>
+ 	  <item><p>If no Interface component is specified then there MUST NOT be any faults or operations defined.</p></item>
+ 	  </ulist>
*** 5606,5609 ****
--- 5654,5696 ----
+ 	  <z:notation name="BindingOperationOK">
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	A Binding Operation component MUST refer to an Interface
+ 	  	Operation component that is available in the Interface
+ 	  	component associated with the Binding component. An Interface
+ 	  	Operation component is available if it is contained in the
+ 	  	Interface component or is available in an extended Interface
+ 	  	component.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>Let <z:i>BindingOperationOK</z:i> express this contraint on Binding Operation components:</p>
+ 	  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="BindingOperationOK">
+ 	  	ComponentModel2
+ 	  <where/>
+ 	  	<forall/> bo : bindingOpComps; <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	b : bindingComps; <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	i : interfaceComps | <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	bo.parent = b.id <land/> <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	b.interface = {i.id} @ <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	bo.interfaceOperation <in/> i.allInterfaceOperations
+ 	  </schema>
+ 	  <z:see names="ComponentModel2"/>
+ 	  <ulist>
+ 	  	<item>
+ 	  		<p>
+ 	  			Each Binding Operation component MUST refer to an
+ 	  			Interface Operation component that is available in the
+ 	  			Interface component that is associated with its parent
+ 	  			Binding component.
+ 	  		</p>
+ 	  	</item>
+ 	  </ulist>
+ 	  </z:notation>
        <p> For each Binding Operation component in the {binding operations}
*** 9770,9774 ****
!     	<td>Added parent constraints to Z notation.</td>
--- 9857,9861 ----
!     	<td>Added parent and integrity constraints to the Z notation.</td>

Received on Wednesday, 18 May 2005 21:34:12 UTC