2002/ws/desc/wsdl20 wsdl20.xml,1.260,1.261 wsdl20.tex,1.45,1.46

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv4867/wsdl20

Modified Files:
	wsdl20.xml wsdl20.tex 
Log Message:
Added parent constraints to Z notation.

Index: wsdl20.tex
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20.tex,v
retrieving revision 1.45
retrieving revision 1.46
diff -C2 -d -r1.45 -r1.46
*** wsdl20.tex	2 May 2005 03:14:53 -0000	1.45
--- wsdl20.tex	18 May 2005 18:45:41 -0000	1.46
*** 26,43 ****
    \item[Previous versions:] \ 
!     \href{http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-wsdl20-20040326}{http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-wsdl20-20040326}
    \item[Editors:] \ 
      Roberto Chinnici, Sun Microsystems\\
-     Martin Gudgin, Microsoft\\
      Jean-Jacques Moreau, Canon\\
[...1824 lines suppressed...]
      \\ \hline 
--- 11663,11667 ----
!        Converted portType stuff to be Infoset based and improved
             doc structure more.
      \\ \hline 
*** 11438,11442 ****
!        Converted message stuff to be infoset based and improved
             doc structure more.
      \\ \hline 
--- 11669,11673 ----
!        Converted message stuff to be Infoset based and improved
             doc structure more.
      \\ \hline 

Index: wsdl20.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.260
retrieving revision 1.261
diff -C2 -d -r1.260 -r1.261
*** wsdl20.xml	13 May 2005 15:59:54 -0000	1.260
--- wsdl20.xml	18 May 2005 18:45:41 -0000	1.261
*** 1036,1041 ****
! 	  The Property and Feature components refered to by a given component
! 	  must exist in the component model.
--- 1036,1042 ----
! 	  The Property and Feature components contained by a given component
! 	  MUST exist in the component model. The component MUST be the parent
! 	  of the Property and Feature components it contains.
*** 1051,1054 ****
--- 1052,1061 ----
  	  	features <subseteq/> featureIds <nl/>
  	  	properties <subseteq/> propertyIds
+ 	  <also/>
+ 	  	<forall/> f : featureComps @ <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	f.id <in/> features <implies/> f.parent = id
+ 	  <also/>
+ 	  	<forall/>	p : propertyComps @ <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	p.id <in/> properties <implies/> p.parent = id
*** 1877,1881 ****
  	  <z:notation name="InterfaceParent">
! 	  <p>An Interface component contains nested Interface Operation, Interface Fault, Feature, and Property components.
  	  These components MUST have the Interface component as their parent.</p>
--- 1884,1888 ----
  	  <z:notation name="InterfaceParent">
! 	  <p>An Interface component contains nested Interface Operation and Interface Fault components.
  	  These components MUST have the Interface component as their parent.</p>
*** 1887,1896 ****
  	  	<forall/> c : interfaceComps; <nl/>
! 	  	<t1/>	if : interfaceFaultComps; io : interfaceOpComps; <nl/>
! 	  	<t1/>	f : featureComps; p : propertyComps @ <nl/>
  	  	<t1/>	if.id <in/> c.interfaceFaults <implies/> if.parent = c.id <land/> <nl/>
! 	  	<t1/>	io.id <in/> c.interfaceOperations <implies/> io.parent = c.id <land/> <nl/>
! 	  	<t1/>	f.id <in/> c.features <implies/> f.parent = c.id <land/> <nl/>
! 	  	<t1/>	p.id <in/> c.properties <implies/> p.parent = c.id
--- 1894,1901 ----
  	  	<forall/> c : interfaceComps; <nl/>
! 	  	<t1/>	if : interfaceFaultComps; <nl/>
! 	  	<t1/>	io : interfaceOpComps @ <nl/>
  	  	<t1/>	if.id <in/> c.interfaceFaults <implies/> if.parent = c.id <land/> <nl/>
! 	  	<t1/>	io.id <in/> c.interfaceOperations <implies/> io.parent = c.id
*** 1900,1905 ****
  	  <item><p>Each Interface component is the parent of any Interface Fault component it contains.</p></item>
  	  <item><p>Each Interface component is the parent of any Interface Operation component it contains.</p></item>
- 	  <item><p>Each Interface component is the parent of any Feature component it contains.</p></item>
- 	  <item><p>Each Interface component is the parent of any Property component it contains.</p></item>
--- 1905,1908 ----
*** 2736,2739 ****
--- 2739,2770 ----
+ 	  <z:notation name="InterfaceOperationParent">
+ 	  <p>An Interface Operation component contains nested Interface Message Reference and Interface Fault Reference components.
+ 	  These components MUST have the Interface Operation component as their parent.</p>
+ 	  <p>Let <z:i>InterfaceOperationParent</z:i> express the constraints on the {parent} properties of the nested 
+ 	  	components of an Interface Operation component:
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="InterfaceOperationParent">
+ 	  	ComponentModel2
+ 	  <where/>
+ 	  	<forall/> c : interfaceOpComps; <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	ifr : interfaceFaultRefComps; <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	imr : interfaceMessageRefComps @ <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	ifr.id <in/> c.interfaceFaultReferences <implies/> ifr.parent = c.id <land/> <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	imr.id <in/> c.interfaceMessageReferences <implies/> imr.parent = c.id
+ 	  </schema>
+ 	  <z:see names="ComponentModel2"/>
+ 	  <ulist>
+ 	  <item><p>Each Interface Operation component is the parent of any Interface Fault Reference component it contains.</p></item>
+ 	  <item><p>Each Interface Operation component is the parent of any Interface Message Reference component it contains.</p></item>
+ 	  </ulist>
+ 	  </z:notation>
          <p>For each Interface Operation component in the {interface operations}
  	property of an Interface component, the {name} property MUST be unique.</p>
*** 4928,4931 ****
--- 4959,4989 ----
+ 	  <z:notation name="BindingParent">
+ 	  <p>A Binding component contains nested Binding Operation and Binding Fault components.
+ 	  These components MUST have the Binding component as their parent.</p>
+ 	  <p>Let <z:i>BindingParent</z:i> express the constraints on the {parent} properties of the nested components of a Binding component:
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="BindingParent">
+ 	  	ComponentModel2
+ 	  <where/>
+ 	  	<forall/> c : bindingComps; <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	bf : bindingFaultComps; <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	bo : bindingOpComps @ <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	bf.id <in/> c.bindingFaults <implies/> bf.parent = c.id <land/> <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	bo.id <in/> c.bindingOperations <implies/> bo.parent = c.id
+ 	  </schema>
+ 	  <z:see names="ComponentModel2"/>
+ 	  <ulist>
+ 	  <item><p>Each Binding component is the parent of any Binding Fault component it contains.</p></item>
+ 	  <item><p>Each Binding component is the parent of any Binding Operation component it contains.</p></item>
+ 	  </ulist>
+ 	  </z:notation>
        <p> For each Binding component in the {bindings} property of a
        description container, the {name} property MUST be unique.  </p>
*** 5521,5524 ****
--- 5579,5610 ----
+ 	  <z:notation name="BindingOperationParent">
+ 	  <p>A Binding Operation component contains nested Binding Message Reference and Binding Fault Reference components.
+ 	  These components MUST have the Binding Operation component as their parent.</p>
+ 	  <p>Let <z:i>BindingOperationParent</z:i> express the constraints on the {parent} properties of the nested 
+ 	  	components of a Binding Operation component:
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="BindingOperationParent">
+ 	  	ComponentModel2
+ 	  <where/>
+ 	  	<forall/> c : bindingOpComps; <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	bfr : bindingFaultRefComps; <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	bmr : bindingMessageRefComps @ <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	bfr.id <in/> c.bindingFaultReferences <implies/> bfr.parent = c.id <land/> <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	bmr.id <in/> c.bindingMessageReferences <implies/> bmr.parent = c.id
+ 	  </schema>
+ 	  <z:see names="ComponentModel2"/>
+ 	  <ulist>
+ 	  <item><p>Each Binding Operation component is the parent of any Binding Fault Reference component it contains.</p></item>
+ 	  <item><p>Each Binding Operation component is the parent of any Binding Message Reference component it contains.</p></item>
+ 	  </ulist>
+ 	  </z:notation>
        <p> For each Binding Operation component in the {binding operations}
        property of a Binding component, the {interface operation}
*** 6338,6341 ****
--- 6424,6451 ----
+ 	  <z:notation name="ServiceParent">
+ 	  <p>A Service component contains nested Endpoint components.
+ 	  These components MUST have the Service component as their parent.</p>
+ 	  <p>Let <z:i>ServiceParent</z:i> express the constraints on the {parent} properties of the nested components of a Service component:
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="ServiceParent">
+ 	  	ComponentModel2
+ 	  <where/>
+ 	  	<forall/> c : serviceComps; <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	e : endpointComps @ <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	e.id <in/> c.endpoints <implies/> e.parent = c.id
+ 	  </schema>
+ 	  <z:see names="ComponentModel2"/>
+ 	  <ulist>
+ 	  <item><p>Each Service component is the parent of any Endpoint component it contains.</p></item>
+ 	  </ulist>
+ 	  </z:notation>
        <p> For each Service component in the {services} property of a
        description container, the {name} property MUST be unique. </p>
*** 9658,9661 ****
--- 9768,9777 ----
+     	<td>20050518</td>
+     	<td>AGR</td>
+     	<td>Added parent constraints to Z notation.</td>
+     </tr>
+     <tr>

Received on Wednesday, 18 May 2005 20:42:09 UTC