Re: FW: describing a service that returns an image/jpg (for example)

OK fair enough .. I wasn't there to argue my case so I can't complain :(.


Jonathan Marsh wrote:
> Thanks for your comment.  The WS Description Working Group tracked this
> as a Last Call comment LC360 [1].  The WG was unable to reach consensus
> to add this functionality at this late date, and closed the issue with
> no action.
> As we plan to go to CR shortly, if we don't hear from you within 10
> days, we will assume this satisfies your concern.
> [1]
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: []
> On
>>Behalf Of Sanjiva Weerawarana
>>Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 9:47 AM
>>To: WS-Description WG
>>Subject: describing a service that returns an image/jpg (for example)
>>Consider a service that takes a URI and returns a picture.
>>Input message:
>><element name="input">
>>  <complexType>
>>    <sequence>
>>      <element name="id" type="xsd:string"/>
>>    </sequence>
>>  </complexType>
>>Output message:
>><element name="output">
>>  <complexType>
>>    <sequence>
>>      <element name="image" type="xsd:base64"
>>               xmime:expectedContentType="image/*"/>
>>    </sequence>
>>  </complexType>
>><operation name="gimme-image"
>>           style="style/iri style/one-binary-thing">
>>  <input message="tns:input"/>
>>  <output message="tns:output"/>
>>Note that the use of the style "style/iri" on /operation effectively
>>constrains the input element. The addition of the style
>>"style/one-binary-thing" constrains the output schema to be of the
>>pattern above: exactly one child in the sequence and it must be
> declared
>>as xsd:base64 along with the xmime:expectedContentType attribute.
>>And now the all important binding:
>><binding name="foo" interface="..">
>>  <operation name="gimme-image" whttp:operation="GET"
>>        whttp:outputSerialization="image/jpg"/>
>>When we document the "one-binary-thing" style we say that that if that
>>style is used then the output serialization must be set to something
>>that conforms to the expected content type given in the schema.
>>This obviously needs to be spec'ized to become real, but is it really
>>that simple?

Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.;
email:; cell: +94 77 787 6880; fax: +1 509 691 2000

"Oxygenating the Web Service Platform."

Received on Tuesday, 15 November 2005 02:56:03 UTC