Re: Corrected Coordinated Choreographies Proposal 4 - Finalize Activity

+1 to Gary's concern - I had a similar (if not identical) question after 
reviewing this proposal. Thanks.

> G. Brown: Hi Bob,
> I think the last two paragraphs of this proposal don't fit with the 
> example. If you consider that the example is effectively in a default 
> workunit, then the fact that you have a choice construct, means that 
> there is more than one finalize statement for the same choreography 
> and choreography instance.
> I don't think you can place these restrictions on a workunit - 
> possibly you would need to say that in cases where two or more 
> finalize statements are executed for the same choreography 
> (+instance), then only the first would be enacted. You could also 
> possibly say that inadvert specification of multiple finalize 
> statements SHOULD be detected during the static analysis of a CDL 
> document???
> Regards
> Gary

Received on Tuesday, 9 November 2004 20:09:32 UTC