- From: Fletcher, Tony <Tony.Fletcher@choreology.com>
- Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 22:42:53 +0100
- To: <public-ws-chor@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <221369570DEDF346AE42821041345E89264D2E@exchange1.corp.choreology.com>
Dear Colleagues, The late contribution from Oracle on a proposal for a basis for the WS-Choreography language has prompted to think that I should put in now a contribution that I have had in mind for some time. Choreology has recently made a submission to the OASIS WSBPEL Technical Committee on the inclusion of Business Transaction Management functionality. Until a language starts to emerge I felt that a detailed submission to WS-Choreography was not possible. However, we do think that the language should meet some requirements with respect to Business Transactions, so this contribution provides suggestions for those requirements. If you feel it is appropriate we have a small set of slides we can go through quickly at the F2F, which expand on the rationale / use cases. I look forward to seeing many of you next week - God Willing. Best Regards, Tony <http://www.choreology.com/> Tony Fletcher Technical Advisor Choreology Ltd. 68, Lombard Street, London EC3V 9L J UK Phone: +44 (0) 870 7390076 Mobile: +44 (0) 7801 948219 Fax: +44 (0) 870 7390077 Web: <http://www.choreology.com/> www.choreology.com Cohesions(tm) Business transaction management software for application coordination Work: tony.fletcher@choreology.com Home: amfletcher@iee.org
- image/gif attachment: 2003-09-12_Contribution_to_W3C_WS_Chor_on_Transaction_Reqs.doc
- application/msword attachment: 2003-09-12_Contribution to W3C WS_Chor on Transaction Reqs.doc
Received on Friday, 12 September 2003 17:42:56 UTC