Re: [ws-chor]: Reqts 1.0 Comments -preconditions and postconditions

Precisely, however when we say truths, assumptions etc, do they 
necessarily have to be predicates only on the initial 
states(preconditions) and predicates on the final state(post conditions) 
or can they encode sopmething more than these.

Martin Chapman wrote:

>A pre-condition is the set of truths (states, assumptions etc) that hold
>before the use case starts,
>and the post-conditions are the set of truths that hold after a successful
>completeion of the use case.
>The template and terminology is derived from UML.
> Martin.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[] On Behalf Of Monika Solanki
>>Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 9:47 AM
>>Subject: [ws-chor]: Reqts 1.0 Comments -preconditions and 
>>Hi All,
>> The working draft of the requirement document has two parameters for 
>>each use case: preconditions and postconditions. The 
>>semantics of these 
>>are however not defined anywhere. Pls could someone clarify 
>>this point.

Monika Solanki
Software Technology Research Laboratory(STRL)
De Montfort University
Hawthorn building, H00.18
The Gateway
Leicester LE1 9BH, UK

phone: +44 (0)116 250 6170 intern: 6170

Received on Tuesday, 9 September 2003 09:30:48 UTC