- From: Lipton, Paul C <Paul.Lipton@ca.com>
- Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 12:31:38 -0400
- To: <public-ws-chor@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <3DAC20ED9FB78B43B765220C31CBD86203E11BB0@usilms22.ca.com>
Hi all, Regrets for yesterday's teleconf. I'm afraid that I have a scheduling conflict that is hard to resolve at this time, although I will keep working at it. Thanks, Paul Paul Lipton Technology Strategist, Office of the CTO Computer Associates P: +1 908 874-9479 F: +1 908 874-9178 E: <mailto:paul.lipton@ca.com> paul.lipton@ca.com -----Original Message----- From: Fletcher, Tony [mailto:Tony.Fletcher@choreology.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 5:03 AM To: public-ws-chor@w3.org Subject: The requirements on message 'correllation' Dear Colleagues, I would like to restate what I was trying to say yesterday on the teleconference to make sure I expressed myself clearly. I agree very much with Yaron that we should try to winkle out the basics from our discussions. For me three basics arising from this discussion are: 1) Each message received by a system needs to have information associated with it somehow that is sufficient to unambiguously implicitly or explicitly identify its target programme (/instance / object) 2) It should be an option for messages to carry information in some manner that unambiguously identifies the type and instance of that type of a choreography description that it is a part of. 3) If a choreography type and instance of that type is being followed then it should (must?) be possible to say that the message is part of the instance and either is consistent with its normal operation or indicates that an error has occurred in following the choreography. I suspect we all agree with 1) and take it as a given. I suspect we probably all (or a majority) agree with 3) although it may have some implications (requirements) on the Choreography language. I suspect the one in dispute is 2) If the systems are directly implementing and at least in some direct sense 'executing' the choreography instance then it seems to me very reasonable that the messages should carry an explicit identifier for the choreography type and instance they relate to that is recognised at the target system. But picking up an argument that I think it was Frank made, it may often be the case that the systems are not programmatically aware that they are following a choreography instance. Suppose that a description of choreography is agreed amongst some cooperating parties using our CDL. Each party then implements using BPEL as an intermediate step (or directly using a programming language). When this choreography is followed the systems are in fact following an unfolding instance of the choreography, but they are also following an unfolding instance of interacting BPEL instances (or programme instances) and it is these that the messages will need to directly identify and target. Best Regards, Tony <http://www.choreology.com/> Tony Fletcher Technical Advisor Choreology Ltd. 68, Lombard Street, London EC3V 9L J UK Phone: +44 (0) 870 7390076 Mobile: +44 (0) 7801 948219 Fax: +44 (0) 870 7390077 Web: <http://www.choreology.com/> www.choreology.com Cohesions(tm) Business transaction management software for application coordination Work: tony.fletcher@choreology.com Home: amfletcher@iee.org
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Received on Wednesday, 3 September 2003 12:32:00 UTC