Glossary contribution

Dear Monica et al,
Please find attached a contribution to the glossary effort.  It
addresses some of the particular terms relevant to transactional aspects
of choreographies and is based in good measure on the definitions to be
found in the Business Transaction Protocol (BTP) Technical
Specification.  I hope you will find this helpful.
On a different glossary topic and based on a few emails exchanged
recently, I feel that we should include a definition of the word
'responsibility' - unless we find that we can use the term in the
standard dictionary sense - which may well be the case.
To start the ball rolling a dictionary I have access to suggests:
responsibility: 1 a (often followed by for, of) being responsible. b
authority; managerial freedom (job with more responsibility). 2 person
or thing for which one is responsible; duty, commitment. 3 capacity for
rational conduct (diminished responsibility).
responsible : 1 (often followed by to, for) liable to be called to
account (to a person or for a thing). 2 morally accountable for one's
actions; capable of rational conduct. 3 of good credit, position, or
repute; respectable; evidently trustworthy. 4 (often followed by for)
being the primary cause. 5 involving responsibility. 

Best Regards,



Tony Fletcher

Technical Advisor 
Choreology Ltd.
13, Austin Friars, London EC2N 2JX UK


+44 (0) 20 7670 1787


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Cohesions 1.0(tm)

Business transaction management software for application coordination




Received on Wednesday, 14 May 2003 10:05:51 UTC