Re: Conversations and choreography (was RE: Definition of Terms)


On Tuesday, March 25, 2003, at 03:07  PM, Assaf Arkin wrote:

> Edwin Khodabakchian wrote:
>> Assaf


>> It seems to me that you are introducing the term choreography and
>> conversation to address the problem of recursive composition (or lack 
>> of
>> it).
> At this level I'm only discussing composition. There's nothing 
> recursive about it.
> If you describe X as sending, Y as receiving, and X+Y as choreography 
> that's a composition. If you describe conversation X, conversation Y, 
> and interleaving of X, Y as choreography that's also a composition. At 
> this level there is no recursion.

A composition is not the same thing as a choreography! At least, from 
my POV, a composite service is a service (i.e., can participate in 
choreographies); and it has an internal structure that is `visible' in 
some sense.


Received on Wednesday, 26 March 2003 12:11:11 UTC