Agenda for3/25 concall

Dial in information (members only): (note it's 4pm est and 1pm
1. Confirm scribe.  

The following scribed at the F2F so will not be asked: Daniel Austin,
Jim Hendler, Peter Furniss, Ed Peters, Greg Ritzinger, Leonard Greski

3. Action Item Review
       ACTION: W3C staff to setup teleconf - DONE

       ACTION: Hugo to send choreography definitions to the list 

       ACTION: write up use cases 

4. Discussion of Internal vs External

Continuation of the F2F discussion.

5. Discussion of centralized control (hub and spoke) vs Peer-to-peer 

Touched on at the F2F is the notion of a central controller vs a
peer-to-peer relationship.
Do we need one or the other, or both styles?

6. AOB.

Received on Monday, 24 March 2003 23:32:52 UTC