Tony Fletcher - Introduction

Dear Colleagues,

It was good to meet many of you at the F2F last week.  Just trying to
fall in line with the perceived 'etiquette'  of the group.

My name is Tony Fletcher and I have been confirmed by my AC rep (Peter
Furniss) as the main representative to this working group for Choreology
Ltd.  Peter is our alternate representative.

I have taken an interested in eBusiness and particularly the various
uses of XML in eBusiness since my days in BT (from around 1997 as I
recall).  With BT I ended up working on eBusiness system evaluations and
system design.  I have been involved with ebXML since those days and
continue to have a level of involvement.

I joined Choreology in Sept 2001 where we are looking at the
applications of 'reliable application coordination' (amongst other
things).  We have just joined the BPMI and have a general interest in
the techniques of business process.

I agree to participate per the charter

I do not have personal knowledge of any Choreology IPR claims regarding
web services choreography.

Best Regards,



Tony Fletcher

Technical Advisor 
Choreology Ltd.
13, Austin Friars, London EC2N 2JX UK


+44 (0) 20 7670 1787


+44 (0) 7801 948 219


+44 (0) 20 7670 1785



Cohesions 1.0(tm)

Business transaction management software for application coordination




Received on Monday, 17 March 2003 07:27:02 UTC