Choreography composition --- some relevant work


I'm a newcomer to the list and "choreography" lingo so forgive me if I 
have missed some important context.

I've been reading through the archives and noted that you're grappling 
with the issues of behavioural composition in a distributed context.  I 
spent several years of my PhD on this issue and hope that I can help.  
The thesis describes a choreography (or coordination) language, a 
formal execution semantics for the language, and a prototype for a 
distributed, asynchronous runtime engine implementing the semantics.  
The approach does not require any central mediator because execution 
progresses based on partial state held at each participant.

I've included some references to papers at the end of this email and 
can supply copies of those and the thesis on request.  The third paper 
is preceding but related work on the business/legal aspects of 
implementing contracts that I think might be quite relevant to 
choreography use cases.  The thesis has overview and example chapters 
that are fairly approachable for those without significant interest in 
the more formal and technical aspects of the work.

I'll try to follup up on a few threads with more specific comments.



1. A Berry and S Kaplan,
A Distributed Asynchronous Execution Semantics for Programming the 
Middleware Machine
Fifth International Symposium on Autonomous Distributed Systems,
Dallas, March 2001

2. A Berry and S Kaplan,
Open, Distributed Coordination with Finesse.
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing,
Atlanta, February 1998

3. Z Milosevic, A Berry, A Bond and K Raymond,
Supporting Business Contracts in Open Distributed Systems.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Services in Distributed 
and Networked Environments,
IEEE, Whistler, Canada, June 1995. 

Received on Wednesday, 16 July 2003 09:22:50 UTC