RE: Dubray paper comments + questions

The goal  of the group is to define a choreography language for 
web services. Whether this is done from scratch (for whatever 
technical or political reasons) or is based on something that 
exists (of which there are many to choose) is up to the 
members of the group to decide. 

In the short term, the group needs to work on requirements 
and use cases as a way to guide the group into taking the 
correct approach.


> -----Original Message-----
> [JJ] Honestly I don't know what is the objective of the 
> ws-chor group. Are they looking for proposals and they will 
> end up choosing the one that is closest to what people think 
> ws-chor should be and then fix it a bit? Or are they looking 
> at starting from writing a specification from scratch of 
> course borrowing from the submissions or other sources. 
> Martin, Yves could you clarify this for me?
> If you want a proposal I can probably get to one fairly 
> quickly after checking with OASIS/UN/CEFACT to see if it is 
> okay that I use BPSS as a starting point. 
> Another possibility is that the ws-chor groups uses BPSS as a 
> submission because honestly I did not change it that much, I 
> just showed that the concepts of BPSS could be used in a wide 
> range of choreography specifications as opposed to just being 
> useful in the context of ebXML.
> Thanks,
> JJ-
> >>
> >>--Jon
> >>

Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2003 14:21:44 UTC