the working mode for the enclosed choreography while executing the


    According to WS-CDL specification, I'm not sure about the working mode
for the enclosed choreography  while finalizing a choreography.

    When a choreography enables a finalizerBlock in an instance of its
immediately enclosed choreography through the *finalize* activity, should
the enclosing choreography wait for the finalizerBlock in the enclosed
choreography to complete? or the finalizerBlock in the enclosed choreography
can be active concurrently with other activities following the finalize

     There is a "block" attribute in the "perform construct" to specify the
working mode for the enclosed choreography, I think this attribute should be
also defined in the "*finalize* construct " to explictly specify the working
mode for the enclosed choreography while finalizing a choreography.
Jing Li

Received on Friday, 21 April 2006 10:46:21 UTC