Exception handling for the actions in a finalizerBlock

According to Section 5.7 "Choreography Life-line",  the exceptionBlock is
deinstalled when the choreography enters the Successfully Completed*
*State. That means when an exception occurs in a finalizerBlock of the
choreography which is in a Successfully Completed State, the exception can't
be handled in this choreography. However, in Section 5.9 "Choreography
Finalization", the last sentece said"The actions of a finalizer activity MAY
fault. The semantics for matching the fault and acting on it are the same as
described in Section 5.8". It leads to conflict because when performing
finalizerBlock, the exceptionBlock has been deinstalled.

I think the exceptionBlock should not be deinstalled until the choreography
enters the Closed State, so it can also deal with the exception during the
performance of any finalizerBlock.

Received on Monday, 17 April 2006 15:10:32 UTC