Re: Non-anon extensibility and policy intersection

This is similar to the use case expressed by anish:  (see below:

David Hull wrote:
> A while ago I suggested that we have a way of saying things like
> "non-anon response endpoints must be mailto: (or fit some other
> pattern)".  Our decision was to leave this out of scope, which is fine
> with me, but we want to be sure not to disallow it.
> Suppose I make an assertion, basically "the service support non-anon",
> generically.  Later, you want to refine that by saying, "Well, actually,
> the service only supports mailto: non-anon".  As I understand it, policy
> intersections are aimed at this sort of thing.
> However, if I intersect a policy that says "non-anon allowed" with one
> that says "mailto: only", I get the empty set, since the two assertions
> are different.  I would like to get "mailto: only".
If you tread MailTo:only as a further constraint on the usage of NonAnon 
, you might be able to use the
same composition method as would be used with wsrm make connection.

I copy an earlier email on compostion with ws rm and its make connection

Anish Karmarkar wrote:
 > Below is the usecase that I mentioned on the call:
 > The endpoint can only send messages on the 'back-channel' it will not
 > open a new connection to send messages (firewall does not allow it).
 > The endpoint also supports (but does not require) WSRM. What this
 > means is:
 > 1) When wsrm is not used it requires the anon URI for responses.
 > 2) When wsrm is used, it requires the MC template (non-anon URI per
 > ws-addr) for responses.
 > -Anish
 > --
Response senders's Policy:
......(,.empty.=.full support, nested assertion 
implies constraint)

.........<wsa:Addressing>...<--.Addressing.required,.Constrained to 
......<All>  <-- use addressing, nonAnon constrained with addiional 
requirment of Make Connection and use of RM )
.........<wsa:Addressing>..<--Addressing.required,.Constrained to 

Tom Rutt email:;
Tel: +1 732 801 5744          Fax: +1 732 774 5133

Received on Monday, 23 April 2007 22:15:00 UTC