Re: New Proposed Alternative H to resolve WS Policy LC comments on WSAM


Why not define just two nested assertions and allow then to be specified 
together. I.e., do the following:

wsam:Addressing -- says that it supports ws-addressing spec (nothing 
more, nothing less). On its own does not say anything about anon or 
non-anon, they may be supported, YMMV.

nested assertion wsam:AnonymousResponse -- says that anonymous response 
is supported.

nested assertion wsam:NonAnonymousResponse -- says that the non-anon 
response is supported.

This is how various usecases would look like.

1) usecase 1: ws-addressing is supported (nothing more)

[apologies for errors in ws-policy syntax, if any]


2) usecase 2: WS-addressing with guarantee that anon is supported:


3) usecase 3: ws-addressing with guarantee that non-anon is supported:


4) usecase 4: ws-addressing with guaranted that both anon and non-anon 
are supported:


WRT policy matching,
1) if one were looking for ws-addressing with a guarantee that (say) 
anonymous was supported, one would look for a policy similar to one in 
usecase 2.

2) if one were looking for ws-addressing with possible anon support (but 
no guarantee), then one would look for a match for { usecase 1 OR 
usecase 2}.


Tom Rutt wrote:
> It seems there is quite a bit of discussion on the meaning of an empty 
> assertion, when that assertion is defined to allow nested
> assertion types.
> One way for wsa to totally avoid this interpretation question is to 
> define the Addressing assertion in such a way that one
> and only one of the following three nested assertions MUST be present in 
> any alternative using the Addressing assertions:
> OnlyAnonymousResponses.
> OnlyNonAnonymousResponses
> BothResponseTypes
> to indicate any restrictions on response EPR types.
> I attach this new proposal for discussion :
> Tom Rutt

Received on Monday, 16 April 2007 18:45:20 UTC