RE: proposed breaking change to echo global element declaration


> If dispatching is done purely on the GED, then what exactly is
> wsa:Action for ??

I'm personally inclined to use Action for 'dispatching' in my services
and our spec does say:

An absolute IRI that uniquely identifies the semantics implied by this message.

It is RECOMMENDED that the value of the [action] property is an IRI identifying 
an input, output, or fault message within a WSDL interface or port type. 
An action may be explicitly or implicitly associated with the corresponding
WSDL definition. Web Services Addressing 1.0 - WSDL Binding[WS-Addressing-WSDL] 
describes the mechanisms of association.

However given we're CR testing WS-Addressing SOAP and Core, and not the
WSDL Binding (yet), and there may be implementations not interested in 
WSDL at all, supporting processing based upon the Action or GED
does seem like the safest way forward to me.

To be clear, it was a mistake in the WSDL (on my part) that led
to this issue in the first place. 

I suggest we should aim to close this issue on this week's testing 
call as moving back to non-unique GEDs will mean changing all the 
tests and impacting any existing implementations of the test suite.


Received on Wednesday, 4 January 2006 10:36:23 UTC