Re: Multiple Addresses in an EPR

The Address element (URI) cannot necessarily be taken in isolation from 
the rest of the information within the EPR, in particular the 
ReferenceParameters. I don't know how likely it is that the same 
RefParams within an EPR will be useable with different URIs, but I'd 
guess that they're going to be tied to a specific URI - certainly that's 
the way I've seen them used in practice so far. This means that although 
it's a necessary condition to have multiple URIs for the same logical 
EPR, it's not a sufficient condition: you need to have at least the 
RefParams and maybe even the MetaData.

In your specific implementation it may be possible to say that the 
RefParams/MetaData are the same between multiple Address URIs. But 
that's an implementation choice and seems to point towards what I said 
earlier: this is better handled above the baseline WS-Addressing 


Conor P. Cahill wrote:

>Mark Little wrote on 10/16/2005, 7:33 AM:
> >
> > I agree with the requirement. I just disagree that it's so fundamental
> > that it has to be within WS-Addressing.
>As far as I can tell, if you don't do this, you end up with either
>    a) requiring multiple EPRs,
>    b) having some elements defined in Metadata to
>       carry the same information
>    c) forcing it into a layer above addressing such
>       as within DNS or within a router
>a) is a pain for both the generator and expecially for the
>conumer of the EPR as they somehow have to recognize that
>the two EPRs are otherwise equal.
>b) is placing essentially equivalent data in two different
>locations within an EPR -- something that just seems wrong
>to me.
>c) can be done anyway, but then all of WS-Addressing can
>(and already is) done outside of the SOAP layer.  I presume
>that someone believes having this information in the SOAP
>layer is advantageous.
>WS-Addressing has chosen to define an EPR format that carries
>an address for an endpoint.  If someone is to profile that
>there are multiple physical endpoints associated with the
>logical endpoint described by the EPR, then WS-A needs
>to at least provide a location where this information is
>to be carried -- hence my request for allowing the Address
>element to be multi-occurance.

Received on Sunday, 16 October 2005 14:02:43 UTC