New Issue: What to do when SOAPAction and Default Action Pattern conflict?

I'd like to raise this as an issue. thanks

----- Forwarded by Katy Warr/UK/IBM on 10/10/2005 16:56 -----

Pete Hendry <> 
Sent by:
08/10/2005 04:58

Re: What to do when SOAPAction and Default Action Pattern conflict?

We have already seen this problem where the requirement is to take an 
already existing service and allow asynchronous calls against 
request-response operations (actually, we already did async in a 
proprietary config-file type way and now want to use WS-Addressing to 
achieve the same thing with old WSDLs).

I would agree with Katy that defaulting the input wsa:Action to the 
SOAPAction if present would solve this problem. The output and fault 
actions could keep their current defaults (I assume it is only the input 
wsa:Action that has to match SOAPAction).


Katy Warr wrote: 

What is the correct behaviour for gen'ing wsa:Action in the client when 
the HTTP 1.1 SOAPAction is set ( i.e. not "") and there is no wsaw:Action 
explicitly specified in the WSDL?   

The problem is that, the default action pattern for wsa:Action cannot be 
gauranteed to generate a wsa:action to match SOAPAction. 

Here is an example to illustrate: 

<binding name="StockQuoteSoapBinding" type="tns:StockQuotePortType"> 
  <soap:binding style="document" transport="" /> 
  <wsaw:UsingAddressing wsdl:required="true" /> 
  <operation name="GetLastTradePrice"> 
    <soap:operation soapAction="" /> 
      <soap:body use="literal" /> 
      <soap:body use="literal" /> 

If we use the default action pattern to generate the wsa:Action, this is 
the result for the input operation 
As this is not  the same as the SOAPAction, this will cause 
non-compliance.  The WSDL in this case is implicitly inconsistent with the 
wsa spec - a problem which will occur in every existing WSDL 1.1 in which 
the values of SOAPAction have not been constructed according to the 
default action pattern. 

A possible solution is to set the wsa:Action header to SOAPAction (if 
SOAPAction =! "") in preference to using the default action pattern (if 
the wsa:Action is not specified explicitly). 

This would means a change something like this in the wsdl spec: 

4.3 Default Action  Pattern for WSDL 1.1 
In the absence of the wsa:Action attribute.... 
==>When using the SOAP 1.1 HTTP binding, if the SOAPAction is set, the 
action for inputs and outputs MUST be the same as this and the default 
action pattern is not used. <== 

Received on Monday, 10 October 2005 15:57:24 UTC