RE: LC 76 - What makes a msg WS-A?

> 	I thought it was clear.  As soon as a single ws-a header is
> marked with mU, then a fault will be thrown if there are any missing
> headers like Action.

I assume you mean "missing and non-defaulted," right?

Or do we advise that if you want mustUnderstand, then you shouldn't use
default values but explicitly put in the headers with the default values?

My concern is this:  a client prepares a WSA message leaving things
like the default wsa:replyto.  The security layer then signs the headers
and message body.  An adversary intercepts the message and inserts an
unsigned wsa:replyto header.  It is hard, if not impossible, for most
implementations to catch this.

Rich Salz                  Chief Security Architect
DataPower Technology
XS40 XML Security Gateway

Received on Friday, 15 July 2005 02:37:19 UTC