Proposed Changes to WS-Addressing WSDL Binding Document Issue For Issue i059

This email covers all the agreed as well as some of the pending points
for i059.  I am sending the entire WSDL binding document for your review
as I made the attempt to include all agreed and pending changes, except
splitting the document. I will make the changes to the cvs depending on
the outcome. 

-- The document addresses the issues that were brought by Marc Hadley's
email, namely 1-3 [1]. Marc, please let me know whether this addresses
your concerns. I added the text from Action to indicate that
wsaw:Anonymous can not be used on its own as intended. I added component
model changes for WSDL 2.0 and some clarifying text for wsoap:module. I
believe we can do editorial tweaks as needed among ourselves. I also put
wsaw:Anonymous in Section 3.2 so that it is in a separate section on its
own, moved the new example accordingly. In this manner, WSDL 2.0
component changes for wsaw:Addressing belongs where it should be, etc. I
think we can take the existing editorial items and address them among

-- SOAP Binding is now Section 3.4. We can decide whether to put this
here in this document , move to SOAP binding or as a separate document.
It does not matter, we need to do the work anyway. I wait for the wgs
decision on this one. 

There is a proposal from David Hull for SOAP 1.2 and some wording
changes for the rest of the document [2]. I see that David Orchard made
an attempt for the latter [4]. If we will attempt to write a separate
document, I have more comments on that David Orchard, which I will wait
after tomorrow's call. I did NOT make an attempt to reconcile David
Hull's and David Orchard's sections on to this writeup for SOAP 1.2, yet
pending the decision of the wg. 

-- I removed the redundancy with respect to wsaw:Anonymous in Section
3.4.1 and deleted the repeated text as it became obvious in the previous

-- I incorporated a term "response endpoint" in the writeup using
David's email [2]. I believe we need to even make it more general then
currently stated. 

What I did not do: 

(a) David Hull,  I was not sure whether to introduce the terms, " input"
and "output" messages, instead of using request and response
respectively. Lets decide on this with the wg and proceed. I can go
either way. 

(b) David Hull, I did not incorporate the section you suggested about
the definition of anonymous as I pointed out in my previous email [3] as
I do not wish to repeat the SOAP binding document. Especially, if we
decide to move the SOAP binding extension in WSDL to SOAP binding
document, this will be redundant. 


Here is how I would like to proceed in the wg wrt this document and the
rest of i059. My goal is to give you a complete document that we can
refer to with revisions, etc so we do not lose track of things and put
this into cvs (in xml format of course)

I would like to decide on the content of 

(1) Section 3.1, Section 3.2, Section 3.3 (They reflect the resolution
of all the issues and agreed points so far. I am not aware of any issues
left here to cover anymore). 

(2) Resolve the issue that I brought up for SOAP binding which follows
from Section 3.2 about specific SOAP faults that must be thrown for
prohibited and required values. See [5]. 

(3) David Hull's proposed changes (a) and (b) above. 

(4) Decide whether we will put the binding in this document or wait
until the content matures further. 

(5)  If latter, we need to look at both David Orchard's, David Hulls
proposed changes for SOAP 1.2 and my original write up (which is
included here) and come up with the amalgamated view to proceed. 





Dr. Umit Yalcinalp
Standards Architect
NetWeaver Industry Standards
Tel: (650) 320-3095 

Received on Monday, 19 December 2005 02:24:28 UTC