Re: test 1230 and 1231 appear to be the same

Yes but neither of them explicitly define the ReplyTo endpoint as far as 
I can see (and it seems like 1231 should). I found another person in the 
ws-addressing-test archives who notes the same thing:

Marc Hadley wrote:
> This may be deliberate. The spec says that if the ReplyTo 'element is 
> NOT present then the value of the [address] property of the [reply 
> endpoint] EPR is ""'. 
> The two cases test explicit and implicit anonymous reply endpoints.
> Marc.
> On Dec 7, 2005, at 3:50 PM, Dan Diephouse wrote:
>> Tests 1230 and 1231 appear to be the exact same.
>> For 1231 the text says "Two-way message exchange containing an Action 
>> and a ReplyTo of anonymous. All other fields are defaulted." - but in 
>> the linked to message there is no ReplyTo defined. I'm assuming this 
>> is the critical difference between the two tests cases and someone 
>> just left the ReplyTo out?
>> Thanks,
>> - Dan
>> --Dan Diephouse
>> Envoi Solutions LLC
> ---
> Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
> Business Alliances, CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions LLC

Received on Thursday, 8 December 2005 13:41:33 UTC