Re: i028: Implications of the presence of ReplyTo

Francisco Curbera wrote:

>Aren't the flexibility and optimization concerns you bring up covered
>within the scope of issue 6?
If the sender has to put a wsa:reply to if there is a wsdl response, 
then it cannot be removed even if the wsdl request/response is mapped
to soap/http post request/response.  The optimization I refer to is for 
that case.


>                      Tom Rutt                                                                                                                 
>                      <>               To:       Martin Gudgin <>                                          
>                      Sent by:                        cc:       Marc Hadley <>,                 
>                      public-ws-addressing-req        Subject:  Re: i028: Implications of the presence of ReplyTo                              
>                      11/12/2004 12:22 PM                                                                                                      
>                      Please respond to tom                                                                                                    
>Martin Gudgin wrote:
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Tom Rutt []
>>>Sent: 12 November 2004 17:02
>>>To: Marc Hadley
>>>Cc: Martin Gudgin;
>>>Subject: Re: i028: Implications of the presence of ReplyTo
>>>Also, if there is no need for transport independence, the
>>>message should
>>>not have to send wsa:reply to when a wsdl request/response is bound
>>>to a request/response transport (e.g., soap http/post binding).
>>How does the crafter of a message determine whether there is a need for
>>transport independence or not? I might be adding WS-Addressing headers
>>to a message at a layer that is unaware of the binding in use. And the
>>layer processing the WS-Addressing headers on the receiver side might
>>not know what binding the message came in on.
>I am speaking of an environment where the flexibility of EPRs is
>desired, but the day to day
>infrastructure in use is in an exclusively soap/httpPost environment.
>As an optimization, the sender may know
>the environment it is using, and does not need to send stuff that is
>>>would say wsa:replyTo is only required to be send when the request /
>>>is bound to a one way underlying transport.
>>I really believe this would be a mistake. I really want a world where
>>the set of headers is NOT dependant on *how* the message is transmitted
>>( or how some future message will be transmitted ).
>I want a world where extraneous stuff not needed for a particular
>application of WS:addressing must be sent.
>Some Fujtisu product people desire the ability to optimize and tune for
>performance in tighly constrainted infrastructure
>>>Tom Rutt
>>>Marc Hadley wrote:
>>>>On Nov 12, 2004, at 6:08 AM, Martin Gudgin wrote:
>>>>>>On Nov 11, 2004, at 3:01 PM, Martin Gudgin wrote:
>>>>>>>>So it sounds like you'd be in favor of saying that presence
>>>>>>>>of ReplyTo
>>>>>>>>implies a request is expected and that absence
>>>indicates a one-way
>>>>>>>>message ?
>>>>>>>Nope. I think that if you expect a reply, you MUST specify [reply
>>>>>>>endpoint]. So in request-response style MEPs [reply
>>>endpoint] would
>>>>>>>always be specified in the request message. However, I
>>>>>>don't think that
>>>>>>>specifying [reply endpoint] necessarily means you expect
>>>a reply (in
>>>>>>>request/response stylee). Does that make sense. I'm saying
>>>>>>>   if a then b
>>>>>>>but I'm NOT saying
>>>>>>>   if b then a
>>>>>>I understand what you mean but I'm not sure it makes
>>>sense ;-). If we
>>>>>>could say that presence of ReplyTo indicates that a reply
>>>is expected
>>>>>>then that would seem like a useful semantic. What's the
>>>purpose of a
>>>>>>ReplyTo in a message that isn't expected to generate a reply ?
>>>>>OK, it depends on what you mean when you say 'generate a
>>>reply'. Do you
>>>>>a) 'generate a reply as part of the same WSDL MEP'
>>>>>b) 'generate a reply, not necessarily part of the same WSDL MEP'
>>>>>I have certain protocols that do specify a [reply
>>>endpoint], do expect
>>>>>(hope?) that a reply to be sent at some point, but NOT as
>>>part of the
>>>>>same WSDL operation as the initial message.
>>>>That's the kind of scenario I was getting it when I raised
>>>issue i015
>>>>about redirection. E.g. if a responder in a request
>>>response MEP sends
>>>>back a ReplyTo header, do we expect that to apply to subsequent
>>>>interactions between the requester and responder. I.e. what is the
>>>>scope of the effect of a ReplyTo, is it scoped to an instance of a
>>>>particular MEP or something wider ? Till now I'd been assuming the
>>>>former, are you suggesting it should be the latter ?
>>>>Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
>>>>Web Technologies and Standards, Sun Microsystems.
>>>Tom Rutt         email:;
>>>Tel: +1 732 801 5744          Fax: +1 732 774 5133
>Tom Rutt           email:;
>Tel: +1 732 801 5744          Fax: +1 732 774 5133

Tom Rutt	email:;
Tel: +1 732 801 5744          Fax: +1 732 774 5133

Received on Friday, 12 November 2004 20:30:39 UTC