Re: Mandator wsa:Action (was Re: WS-Addr issues)

> > Not a very good approach to addressing issues in general
> > though, is it?
> I'm not so sure. For example, has the world really been well served by
> where XSD ended up? Or would we have been better off having three
> separate specs, one for each broad group that made up the Schema WG?
> Obviously there is utility in standardizing certain things. And just as
> obviously, not everyone will want to use a particular spec. I think
> that's actually OK.

The point is that WS-Addressing was developed by a group of companies in
private. Those companies then took that specification to a standards body.
Now, if that group of companies push through the specification to
standardization without openly addressing the issues raised by another group
of companies who weren't originally involved in its development, then why
bother going the "open standards" approach? Why not just release the
specification as is and make it a defacto standard?

The fact is that we're in a TC where votes count now. So let's tackle each
*reasonable* issue (and I think wsa:Action as optional is reasonable) and
vote on it. How much more democractic can we get in this industry? IMO
that's far better for the industry as a whole than saying (and I paraphrase
here) "if you don't like it use something else".

My agenda is not to derail this standard effort. It's to get something out
that fits well into the other *standards* that are around and with products
that we are all using and/or developing.


Mark Little,
Chief Architect,
Arjuna Technologies Ltd.

Received on Monday, 8 November 2004 10:17:55 UTC