RE: Minutes - WS-Addressing Test Suite TF call 8 Dec 2005

>> Yes, except we don't require the WS-I monitor to capture the logs, you
>> can use tcpdump, SOAPscope, YATT, tcptrace, Ethereal, libpcap, whatever 
>> suites you, and if your service or client captures messages then you can 
>> generate a log from that. 

> If I use some other tool to capture the logs, then I need to write my 
> own stylesheet to convert the logs to the format required by observer. 
> Is that right ?

yup! I'm not about to write stylesheets for all those other tools ;-)

> So all the technical discussions are expected to happen on this email 
> alias. Other than that, there might be some other 1-1 discussions to 
> resolve interop bugs. Is that the idea ?

That's the idea.


Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2005 18:54:12 UTC