Re: DocSprint specific tracking is deployed

Fantastic, Renior!!!
We can't wait to put this in action tomorrow!

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 4:33 AM, Renoir Boulanger <> wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> Just to advise that I just finished the initial deployment of some
> tracking improvement.
> Although the Goal tracking URL generator [0] is useful, it is not needed
> for this docsprint.
> Tracking feature wise; all is set!
> Namely:
> * Any page within the docs subdomain that has a pk_campaign that contains
> 'DocSprint'  will flag the visitor as a member of the docsprint
> * Anybody logged in to MediaWiki has his username sent to Piwik
> * A user who click on any button under 'Edit' is logged, we will know if
> the Contributor clicked on Edit, or something else.
> The site is now ready to differentiate normal contributors to the ones
> present to an event (e.g. by giving away a specific short URL).
> Now, we only need to test  D-:
> *To use during the event:*
> The short URL is ready.
> During the event, share the URL   And it will
> go to the URL shown in commit [2]
> *To test:*
> We can use a bogus URL, and not create too many.
> Let's test using:  [1]  e.g. ?pk_campaign=DocSprint-201310-Bogus
> And we should get usage stats in Piwik.
> *Important:*
> Anybody who follows a link with pk_campaign=DocSprintBooyhah (trigger is
> the part 'DocSprint' in pk_campaign) will be considered as present at the
> docsprint
> *What we track:*
> 1. - JavaScript detects that in a GET parameter match
> pk_campaign=DocSprint, creates a specific cookie for the visitor
> 2. - If MediaWiki has a user logged in, Piwik receives the username
> 3. - If a visitor (regardless of wether he is logged in to MW or not)
>  click on of the buttons under Edit, it gets tracked
>   [0]:
>   [1]:
>   [2]:
> Renoir
> ~

Received on Friday, 11 October 2013 09:49:58 UTC