[wot-ig/wg] minutes - 17 February 2021

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Michael McCool!



      [1] https://www.w3.org/


17 February 2021

   [2]Agenda. [3]IRC log.

      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#17_February_2021
      [3] https://www.w3.org/2021/02/17-wot-irc


          Daniel_Peintner, David_Ezell, Kaz_Ashimura,
          Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Koster, Michael_Lagally,
          Michael_McCool, Philipp_Blum, Ryuichi_Matsukura,
          Sebastian_Kaebisch, Takahisa_Suzuki, Tetsushi_Matsuda,





    1. [4]guests
    2. [5]minutes Feb 10 review
    3. [6]Quick Updates
    4. [7]Joint Calls
    5. [8]Plugfest planning
    6. [9]Liaisons and joint calls
    7. [10]TF reports

Meeting minutes


   new invited expert, Philipp Blum

   Philipp: self-intro; use case, connect smart devices, 3-4 years
   have been contributing to RIOT OS, but needs metadata standard,
   WoT fits this
   … have previously contributed to plugfest
   … this time will join with a more advanced implementation

   Sebastian: what are you currently planning with RIOT OS?

   Philipp: also working on a dev kit, temp sensor, crypto IC,
   … not a particular use case

   Sebastian: also Michael Koster will join us as an invited
   expert at some point, in progress

   Lagally: Philipp, sounds interesting; in arch group, have been
   talking about min size for a device?

   Philipp: we talked about this at length in security as well
   … we discussed streaming, signing, etc.
   … wondering about use cases for TD consumption, streaming, etc.
   … and I am working on a small device, e.g. the Nordic

   McCool: updated hw.md file in wot-testing with some notes, btw

   Sebastian: question, this is coap only?

   Philipp: coap is most used, but can also use http, etc.

   Kaz: Philipp, please join plugfest call after this call, if you

  minutes Feb 10 review


     [11] https://www.w3.org/2021/02/10-wot-minutes.html

   Kaz: regarding the objectives, note this is really something
   the W3C Industry Champions should be doing. so the group don't
   have to do anything beyond our usual planning, though your
   input on the updated planning for publication, liaison and
   deployment would be helpful

   McCool: regarding OneDM and joint call planning, we can talk
   about that during F2F planning

   Sebastian: also talked about web page, animation, etc.

   Sebastian: any objections to publishing?

   Koster: typo needs to be fixed for Perey's name

   other than that, no objections

   (typo fixed and approved)

  Quick Updates

   Sebastian: TPAC will be virtual this year

   Kaz: using Zoom probably, details still being discussed,
   probably Oct

   Sebastian: probably no actual F2F until next year

   McCool: agree

   Sebastian: WoT Japanese CG, Feb 27, which is a Saturday
   … need to link from the marketing page, issue created:

     [12] https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/121

   Lagally: would be good to have a top-level view of the
   community groups

   McCool: the original design was for "a" CG, but now we have
   more than one, will have to rethink

   Sebastian: renaming master to main

   McCool: wot-testing done, have not tested pending PRs
   … suggest doing wot-discovery next, has pending PRs, but they
   are from me
   … maybe wot-security and wot next
   … then let's see next week

   Lagally: also seems to be some errors

   <mlagally> I noticed that several specifications (including TD,
   arch, profile) have a red respec error with a cryptic error

   <mlagally> This looks bad and it's unclear what can be done to
   resolve it.

  Joint Calls

   McCool: trying to organize joint calls for March 15, but only a
   3h session, 1.5h already allocated
   … but a few other 30m calls would make sense

   Sebastian: looking into OPC-UA

   Kaz: working on formal process with ECHONET, but in plugfest we
   have some informal activities planned. so I'm asking them about
   if it's ok to start this informal collaboration this time to
   make sure too.

   McCool: working on APA and T2TRG

  Plugfest planning

   Sebastian: plugfest planning

   McCool: minimum sizes; maybe some use cases from Philipp;
   geolocation, see PR

   <kaz> [13]PlugFest page

     [13] https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/blob/master/events/2021.03.Online/README.md

   Sebastian: for F2F planning, please propose agenda topics in

  Liaisons and joint calls

   Sebastian: any updates on joint calls?

   McCool: nothing yet for T2TRG

   Koster: still working on OneDM doodle, trying to find a better

   McCool: getting a session on March 15 would be nice, but a
   separate call is ok too

   Sebastian: also still negotiating with OPC-UA

   <mjk> I will schedule a joint call with OneDM before March 15th

   Sebastian: and W3M, regarding joint charter, etc.

   Lagally: plan is that OPC will be creating a companion spec as
   an OPC activity?

   Sebastian: discussion is whether this should be a joint
   charter, and if so, why only OPC, and not ECHONET, etc?

   Lagally: the question is why?

   Sebastian: should not in general have to do a liaison just to
   do bindings

   Lagally: my understanding of the liaison goal was to get groups
   to work together

   Kaz: probably we should have a dedicated call to discuss how to
   deal with liaisons

   Kaz: ITU-T invitation out; cannot attend use case call, invited
   to F2F in March
   … for OGC and ECHONET, have been working on formal arrangements
   … OGC willing to extend current liaison, working on that
   … ECHONET having internal discussions, will get back to us next

  TF reports

   in scripting, discussed partial TD validation, management API
   for security

   security, talked about signing, canonicalization, validation,
   and memory requirements for small devices

   <sebastian> [14]https://w3c.github.io/wot-marketing/

     [14] https://w3c.github.io/wot-marketing/

   discovery, updated the information model (see updates in
   editor's draft), discussed earlier version of geolocation draft

   marketing, discussed web page, animation, problems with
   directly embedding mashups (twitter, YouTube), organization of
   documents, videos, CGs, etc.

   have also been working on captions for video

   Lagally: would be nice to share the link to the actual
   documentation source
   … main readme is to very old page, hard to find sources

   <sebastian> sources of the webpage: [15]https://github.com/w3c/

     [15] https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/tree/master/docs

   Lagally: please update main readme to point to the right place,
   is broken

   Sebastian: ok, good points (updates "proposals" to "doc")

   Kaz: let me play the video so we can see current status, and
   … just got the captions yesterday, still need to check
   spelling, etc.

   Sebastian: needed to fix some weird UTF-8 issues, Kaz looking
   into that

   <kaz> and already fixed as shown :)

   Lagally: no use case call this week; trying to get ITU-T to
   join us but can't make next call

   <kaz> [16]PlugFest page

     [16] https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/tree/main/events/2021.03.Online

   McCool: will discuss plugfest call in ten minutes, but is
   coming up fast
   … if you can't make it, we do need TDs

   Sebastian: TD, recent topics was TM
   … also looked at MODBUS binding briefly, hopefully more on that

   Lagally: arch, discussed definition of TD fragment
   … in profiles, discussed limited to accommodate small devices,
   if you want input on that please join the call, will try to
   conclude that tomorrow

   Sebastian: ok, let's adjourn, do testing at 10 past

   <kaz> [main call adjourned; plugfest call starts 10mins past
   the hour]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    [17]scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).

     [17] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html

Received on Wednesday, 3 March 2021 09:33:56 UTC