[wot-ig/wg] minutes - 26 May 2021

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Michael McCooL!



      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                             ¡V DRAFT ¡V

26 May 2021

   [2]Agenda. [3]IRC log.

      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#26_May_2021

      [3] https://www.w3.org/2021/05/26-wot-irc


          Andrea_Cimmino, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner,
          David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kuniiko_Toumura,
          Michael_Koster, Michal_McCool, Ryuichi_Matsukura,
          Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima



          kaz, McCool


    1. [4]guests
    2. [5]invited expert application
    3. [6]prev minutes
    4. [7]quick updates
    5. [8]smart cities
    6. [9]testfest
    7. [10]f2f
    8. [11]publications
    9. [12]liaisons
   10. [13]workshop at the IoT Conference
   11. [14]TFs

Meeting minutes


   Sebastian: seems to be no guests today

  invited expert application

   Sebastian: thomas jaekle, replacing kevin otolo
   ¡K bosch io, to continue work on model implementation and

   McCool: this is fine, but application needs to be updated to
   document bosch io affiliation

   Kaz: we can accept, he can try to update, if there is a
   problem, we can ask w3m to contact him

  prev minutes


     [15] https://www.w3.org/2021/05/19-wot-minutes.html

   Sebastian: signatures, update on that today; updates on smart
   cities (discussed in marketing, more today); testfest and f2f
   planning; publications;
   ¡K resolutions taken on some last-minute (informative) updates
   to the TD draft
   ¡K change log and abstract
   ¡K then a resolution to publish the updated version
   ¡K use case doc publication still in process; liaison
   discussion; quick TF updates

   Sebastian: any updates needed to the minutes?

   Sebastian: hearing no objections, these will be published

  quick updates

   Sebastian: first, our IG charter runs out June 30, need to
   ¡K so we will do an extension for 3mos, will prepare a new

   McCool: note that draft will be here: [16]https://github.com/


     [16] https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/charters/wg-ig-2021-proposed.html

   Sebastian: also, signatures

   McCool: yes, based on XML signatures and JSON processing
   ¡K in the long run, I think this can be complementary to LDS

  smart cities

   Sebastian: three pres, but only 5m each, want to avoid

   McCool: note in particular that I will cover the basics, others
   can address extensions and applications
   ¡K we can review drafts in the marketing call next week

   Andrea: will look at how these technologies can be applied to
   communities, incl. hybrid (rural/urban)

   Sebastian: we will be talking about tooling

   Andrea: I also want to mention we plan to talk about discovery
   in an upcoming conference


   <kaz> [17]Testfest wiki

     [17] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_June_2021#Testfest

   McCool: we should talk about what meetings can be cancelled

   Sebastian: would be better if we concentrate on testfests

   McCool: so... for discovery, perhaps should focus on testing,
   even if it puts the spec behind schedule

   Kaz: one exception, have brief main call to synchronize people


   <kaz> [18]vF2F wiki

     [18] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_June_2021#Virtual_F2F

   Sebastian: still filling in topics

   <kaz> [19]Proposed topics

     [19] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_June_2021#Proposed_Topics

   McCool: important that we fill in time estimates, each TF
   should do
   ¡K also allocated 2h to discuss testing results so we can figure
   out how to address gaps


   Sebastian: TD update will be out next week June 1


   IETF T2TRG, summary planned for June 17/21/22; doodle ongoing

   McCool: should not conflict with F2F, either Seb or I will join
   and give WoT update

  workshop at the IoT Conference

   Andrea: workshop on iot conference, on discovery
   ¡K and we would of course cover wot, but would not limit the
   workshop to that
   ¡K would like blessing, and also check for overlaps

   <kaz> [20]call for workshop page

     [20] https://iot-conference.org/iot2021/call-for-workshops/

   Kaz: a bit confused
   ¡K so you're organizing a workshop on WoT discovery?

   Andrea: yes

   Kaz: so we should look at the call for workshops page above
   ¡K Andrea, could you generate a draft proposal and send it to
   the WoT groups?

   Andrea: I will send a draft proposal out by email and ask for


   Daniel: scripting no call, holiday

   McCool: discovery: need to make a decision about API
   restructuring... please review prs etc and comment

   Sebastian: marketing: captions are done, in multiple languages,
   for animation
   ... also, TD wiki page is now accepted and updated, finally

   McCool: do think we need to update the web of things wiki page
   too, and eventually need to cover discovery, etc.

   Sebastian: also discussed various conferences and talks coming
   ... please see marketing agenda for a list

   McCool: use cases: discussed cultural space

   McCool: testfest: working on metadata for implementation
   report; added some details around discovery

   [21]May-20 Architecture call

     [21] https://www.w3.org/2021/05/20-wot-arch-minutes.html

   [main cal adjourned; testfest starts at 10mins past the hour]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    [22]scribe.perl version 131 (Sat Apr 24 15:23:43 2021 UTC).

     [22] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html

Received on Monday, 12 July 2021 06:42:17 UTC